KY-Sen: #MitchPlease Trends On Twitter Over Moscow Mitch's Pathetic “Impeachment” Excuse


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People on Twitter aren’t buying Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) excuse for President Donald Trump’s haphazard response to the coronavirus pandemic.

McConnell on Tuesday claimed the House impeachment of Trump and the subsequent Senate trial “diverted the attention of the government” away from the developing public health crisis “because everything, every day, was all about impeachment.”
“It came up while we were, you know, tied down in the impeachment trial,” McConnell told conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt.
Critics made the #MitchPlease hashtag trend on Twitter as they bashed McConnell for suggesting that Trump ― who downplayed the threat of the virus for weeks ― and his government could not focus on more than one task at once.

Click here to see some great Tweets.

The timing could be any more perfect:

Looking to capitalize on his leadership post during the coronavirus crisis, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is launching a campaign ad in his home state that touts his role in passing the $2.2 trillion economic rescue package.

The TV ad debuting across Kentucky on Wednesday boasts of the benefits going to cross-sections of Americans, and McConnell's role in orchestrating Senate passage of the sweeping aid measure.

“America’s in crisis like never before. And in times of crisis we look to leaders,” a narrator says in the ad. “Mitch McConnell led the passage of the biggest economic rescue package in history.

The ad ends by showing McConnell with President Donald Trump, who remains a commanding figure in Kentucky politics.

The ad comes after rounds of sniping between McConnell's campaign and Democratic challenger Amy McGrath's campaign as the virus outbreak escalated. McGrath campaign spokesman Terry Sebastian called the ad “a brazen attempt to rewrite history.”

“No ad is going to change the fact that during a public health crisis, he took a three-day weekend while families desperately needed action,” Sebastian said in a statement. “And then, when finally taking up much-needed legislation, he fought more for corporate bailouts than prioritizing workers and providing critical supplies for hospitals.”

In her latest ad, McGrath touts an initiative she launched to assist Kentucky residents during the virus outbreak. McGrath, a retired Marine combat pilot, is by far the best funded of the several Democrats vying to unseat McConnell, who is seeking a seventh term.

By the way, McGrath is also calling out Moscow Mitch on this:



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