KY-Sen: Amy McGrath (D), “What did Mitch know & when did he know it about Russian bounties?”

Received this e-mail today from Amy McGrath’s (D. KY) U.S. Senate campaign:


It’s outrageous to read reports that U.S. intelligence officials have known for months, potentially over a year, about a plot by Russia and the Taliban to target American servicemembers. As a Marine, I’m disgusted that nothing’s been done about it.

It’s clear Mitch McConnell—who gets regular security briefings as Senate majority leader—didn’t know enough or didn’t care enough to do a thing about it. Either scenario is unacceptable and irresponsible.

It’s been nearly 20 years since Congress sent our troops overseas to Afghanistan. Mitch McConnell cast that vote to put Americans in harm’s way. He has a duty to protect and defend the men and women I served with and those who came after me.

But as their lives are being threatened by enemy interference, he’s turned his back and closed his ears.

These are moments when leaders need to lead. We’re desperate for someone to stand up to foreign adversaries. Our Senate majority leader is showing instead why the nickname “Moscow Mitch” is well earned. He hid Russian attacks on our elections from the American people. He’s gone to bat for powerful Russian oligarchs to remove U.S. sanctions against them. And he’s dragged his feet at every turn when it comes to safeguarding our systems from further Russian aggression.

Now, if these intelligence reports are true, Americans may have died because of these bounties. And the leaders in power sat there seemingly unwilling to do anything about it.

Join me in demanding Mitch tell us what he knew, when he knew it and when he plans to do something about it—add your name right now.

Thank you,


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