KY, AZ, TX & NC-Sen: VoteVets Hits These Cowardly GOPers For Doing Nothing About Mass Shootings

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Four powerful incumbent Senators. And not one of them can offer a meaningful solution to our gun violence crisis.

Mitch McConnell: prayers – no action.

Martha McSally: heart break – no action.

My heart breaks for the victims and their families. Praying for those involved and for our first responders. - @SenMcSallyAZ Martha McSally

Thom Tillis – no action:

Susan and I are heartbroken by the horrific tragedies in El Paso and Dayton, acts of hate and domestic terrorism targeting our fellow Americans. Grateful to the first responders who helped save innocent lives. - @SenThomTillis Senator Thom Tillis

John Cornyn – whatever this is.

For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. Sadly, there are some issues, like homelessness and these shootings, where we simply don't have all the answers. - @JohnCornyn Senator John Cornyn

Send a message that if Senators won’t act to make our communities safer from gun violence, we will elect Senators who will:

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The team at VoteVets

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