KS-Sen: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D. NY) Helps Barbara Bollier (D) Get Ready To Flip This Seate Blue

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D. NY) in support of Dr. Barbara Bollier’s (D. KS) U.S. Senate campaign:



If you’re committed to taking back the Senate next year, I need you to pay attention to Kansas.

Yes, Kansas. The Sunflower State hasn’t elected a Democrat to the Senate since 1939, but with Dr. Barbara Bollier in the race, I believe we have a real shot of winning this open Senate seat. Let me tell you why:

  • Barbara’s a state senator and retired physician known for working across party lines to get things done. She’s a fierce advocate for protecting health care, public schools, and affordable childcare.
  • Kansas saw HUGE Democratic gains in 2018. Democrat Laura Kelly won the governor’s race by five points, and Rep. Sharice Davids became the first Democrat to win a Kansas congressional district in a decade.
  • Barbara’s likely opponent is Kris Kobach—Kansas’ former Secretary of State who made a name for himself as an anti-immigration hardliner who peddled “birther” conspiracy theories about President Obama. He’s way too extreme for Kansas; in fact, he lost the Kansas governor’s race to Gov. Kelly in 2018.

As Barbara likes to say, your money goes a long way in Kansas. A donation of $15 or $30 will help Barbara build a strong ground game and keep ads on the air—ensuring she can win.

Give now to support this game-changing candidate: Barbara has what it takes, but we’ve got to come together to send her the resources she needs.

With gratitude,

Click here to donate to Bollier’s campaign.

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