Julián Castro Is Coming To Phoenix & Tucson To Help Get Out The Vote For Warren On Tuesday

Attention all Arizona Kossacks:

Former Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro will campaign in Arizona Tuesday on behalf of Elizabeth Warren.

Castro dropped out of the race in January and endorsed Warren.

The former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will start the day at 9:15 a.m. in Phoenix with a roundtable at Tres Leches, 1714 W. Van Buren Street, followed by a a 10:45 early voting event at El Portal (117 W. Grant Street) in Phoenix.

After those events, Castro shifts to Tucson. He'll start at 2:30 p.m. with a 2:45 p.m. Tucson Canvass Kick-Off at 2416 E. Broadway.

Next up is a visit to the ASARCO mine strike picket line with Mayor Regina Romero at 1421 W. Pima Mine Road.

Castro will also attend a Tucson Debate Watch Party — Democratic candidates will debate in South Carolina Tuesday — with Romero at 5:40 p.m. at American Eat Co, 1439 S. Fourth Ave.

Click here to RSVP.

Speaking of Arizona:

Tucson Mayor Regina Romero has thrown her support into the democratic presidential primary, announcing Monday that she’s following the path of several Southern Arizona politicians and endorsing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D.-Mass., for president.
“Elizabeth Warren is the fighter we need to act boldly on climate change, create economic opportunity for all, and bring big, structural change to our government,” Romero said in a prepared statement provided to the Arizona Daily Star. “She has proven herself to be a champion for women’s rights, and understands the institutional barriers that communities of color face in participating in our economy and democracy. For these reasons and many more, I’m proud to endorse Elizabeth Warren for president.”
In a press release announcing the endorsement, the Warren campaign referred to Romero as a “tireless champion for working families,” “a strong advocate for environmental justice,” and said she won a “historic election” as Tucson’s first female and first Latina to serve as Tucson’s mayor. She is one of 100 Latinx community leaders who have endorsed Warren since January, according to the release.
“Regina has dedicated her career to bringing big, structural change to her community and empowering Arizonans with a seat at the table,” Warren said in a prepared statement. “I’m grateful to have earned her support — together, we’ll keep fighting to create good-paying jobs, protect our planet, and ensure opportunity for all.”

Let’s keep up the momentum. Click here to donate and get involved with Warren’s campaign.

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