
John Kerry Refuses To Let Trump “Swift Boat” Joe Biden

Received this e-mail today from former U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, and Presidential candidate, John Kerry (D. MA), in support of former Vice President Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign:

I’ve never believed any of us have the luxury to sit on the sidelines when our country is threatened.

And our country cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump.

That’s why I’m proud to have endorsed my friend, Joe Biden, for president.

But let me share some lessons learned the hard way. I've run against a sitting president before. So believe me when I tell you it’s a difficult, expensive battle and you better have the resources you need when the conservative attack machine tries to attack your strengths — the foundations of who you are. And they will: these are the people who turned “Swift Boat” into a verb and that’s before they had new ways to spend millions spreading lies and disinformation.

So I’m fighting for Joe and I need you to fight like hell beside me. Will you chip into Joe’s campaign today?

In 2004, I came within a half a football stadium in one state of doing what’s only happened four times in the last hundred years: beating an incumbent president.

Catherine, we didn’t come up a little short because we didn’t work hard, or because Democrats weren’t committed.

It’s because it’s really, really hard to defeat an incumbent — even if that incumbent is Donald Trump.

Trump has nearly unlimited resources. He’s been preparing for this election since the day he was sworn in — and has raised over $200 million so far. By comparison, before Joe can run against Donald Trump, he still needs to seal the deal on this nomination.

So he needs all of us standing with him to make sure he has the resources to win. Can I count on you to make a donation to Joe’s campaign today?

I refuse to see Democrats come so close to winning the presidency, only to watch it snatched away at the last second.

So let’s not have any regrets. Join me in supporting Joe Biden, and together, we will defeat Donald Trump and put our country back together.


I hope you'll join the fight beside me,


John Kerry
68th Secretary of State
2004 Democratic Nominee for President

Click here to donate to Biden’s campaign.

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