John Kerry Helps Joe Biden Get Ready To Kick A White Supremacist Dictator Out Of The White House

Received this e-mail yesterday from former Secretary of State, U.S. Senator & Presidential candidate, John Kerry (D. MA), in support of former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign:

I'm asking for $8 for my friend Joe Biden today. If you're able to, will you please pitch in before this next big deadline?

Things are getting real. We are only about five months away from Election Day — the day when we're going to finally be able to say the words all of us want to hear: “President-Elect Joe Biden.”

I've been in Joe's shoes before. Trying to raise enough money to build a campaign infrastructure large enough to beat a powerful incumbent who has been focused on reelection from day one. It's an uphill battle that doesn't end until the last poll closes.

But so many things are different now than they were in 2004. We're all still adjusting to our new reality.

So, I know it's not easy to give your hard-earned money to a campaign. Believe me, it’s not easy to even make that ask of you. But please know this: Joe and I are so grateful for your support, even if today isn't a good day for you to give.

But if you are able to give today, Joe needs you. We're coming up on the end of the first month of the general election, and Joe's team needs to raise another $2,500,000 before his public fundraising deadline on Sunday.

If you're able to pitch in $8 or anything at all, will you please do so today?

Donald Trump and the RNC have spent the last three years filling their war chest for this election, and the math speaks for itself: they have more money than us.

But take it from me,  you don't need the most money to win an election, you just need enough money.

Enough money to hire staff to organize voters in every battleground state. Enough money to fight back against Trump’s constant barrage of attacks. Enough money to get our winning message out.

And that's what this big deadline is all about. After Sunday, Joe’s fundraising totals for this month will be locked and made public for the world to see. And folks across the country are watching Joe's numbers to see how strong this campaign is.

That's why you're hearing so much about Joe's team's new $6 million goal.

Hitting this goal will show the whole world that Joe's campaign is ready to take the fight to Trump — and it will give them the resources they need to make Donald Trump a one-term President come November.

So I have to ask one more time. If it's feasible for you today, will you please make a $8 contribution to support Joe's campaign? It's going to take all of us pitching in to meet this goal by Sunday, and I know it would mean the world to Joe:

Thank you,

John Kerry

Click here to donate to Biden’s campaign.

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