If this suspect had been black he'd have been shot 20 times; instead, we get a Benny Hill sketch

A man who allegedly murdered the family of a minor league baseball player was recently caught on video running away from police and resisting arrest. Oh, and he was naked:


According to media reports, the man, 18-year-old Matthew Thomas Bernard, allegedly killed the wife, son and mother-in-law of Blake Bivens, who pitches for a minor league affiliate of the Tampa Bay Rays. And when police caught up with Bernard, he was naked and running for his life.

The Washington Post:

Police were dispatched to a house in Keeling, Va., shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday, [Pittsylvania County Sheriff Mike] Taylor said at a news conference. A neighbor had called to report that they “believed someone had been shot,” the sheriff said.

When authorities arrived, they discovered a woman dead in the driveway and two more bodies, another woman and a child, inside the home, Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office investigator Devin Taylor told USA Today in a statement.

A post on the Pittsylvania County Public Safety Facebook page described Bernard as “armed with a rifle and very dangerous.” When police found him, he was naked. And it didn’t take him long to turn violent:

In the video, a naked man runs toward an armed officer in tactical gear. The officer appears to spray something at the man, who wipes at his face and eyes but doesn’t stop. At one point, the suspect runs up behind another man in a parking lot, later identified by WSET as a church groundskeeper, and puts his hands around the man’s neck. The naked man then chokes the groundskeeper, only letting go and sprinting away after an officer swings his baton at him.

Ah, but he’s safe. The local sheriff, Mike Taylor, stated that Bernard was now in custody: “Bernard was taken into custody around noon on Tuesday after trying to escape, noting that about 100 officers responded to the scene. The sheriff also said he did not have information on Bernard’s relationship to the three victims and declined to say whether a weapon had been found.”

Of course, every situation is different — and police should be commended for defusing the crisis without causing further loss of life — but you have to wonder what would have happened if this had been a black kid with a toy gun or a cellphone.

Is this one of the mentally ill people Donald Trump is suddenly so concerned about? Oh, no. Never mind. That was two weeks ago.

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