IA & NC-Sen: Theresa Greenfield (D) & Cal Cunningham (D) Team Up To Take Down Trump's GOPers

Two Democratic Senate candidates are teaming up to help each other’s campaigns take down two very vulnerable Republican Senators.

First, Theresa. Greenfield (D. IA):

Theresa Greenfield (D. IA)

This is BIG.

Control of the Senate will come down to Iowa and North Carolina, so Mitch McConnell's super PAC is gearing up to dump over $34 million on ads to keep these crucial seats red. That's why it's so important this grassroots team steps up right away. Will you answer the call and split a donation between Theresa and Cal right now?

This is  about more than taking back the Senate majority. It's about electing leaders who will listen to the people and fight for the issues we all care about — like affordable health care and Social Security.


But  we don't have $12 million sitting around to spend on this race. And neither Theresa or Cal are accepting a dime from corporate PACs. So, we need support from our best grassroots supporters right away — that's you!

We can flip the Senate, but only if we all work together. That means we have to hit our one day, $10,000 goal if we want to have the means to fight back. Split a donation of $5 between Theresa and Cal right away.

Thank you,

Team Greenfield

Second, Cal Cunningham (D. NC):


It’s never been more important that we win back the Senate and finally bring new leadership to Washington. Two of our best opportunities to flip seats in November? According to The Washington Post, Iowa and North Carolina.

That’s why Mitch McConnell's super PAC is dumping a combined $34 million to try and re-elect the incumbent Republican Senators in these states. He knows control of the Senate will come down to these races, and he wants to hold onto two of his favorite lapdogs: Thom Tillis and Joni Ernst.

Luckily, Theresa Greenfield and I are running to put these Senate seats back to work for the people of Iowa and North Carolina. We have a good chance to replace two of McConnell’s favorite Senators with new, independent leadership — but we need your help.


Can Theresa and I count on you to split a contribution of $10 or whatever you can afford between our campaigns as we work to take back the Senate?

Just like Tillis, Ernst refuses to stand up to President Trump, even when it’s wrong for her state. She goes right along with McConnell’s corporate special interest agenda and puts that above the needs of regular folks.

That’s why unseating Ernst and Tillis won’t be easy. They have a network of dark money groups and super PACs behind them that will attack our campaigns every step of the way.

But with your help, Theresa and I can overcome their war chest of giant checks and smear campaigns in the coming months. Let's make sure we're ready for anything.

Will you split a contribution between Theresa Greenfield’s campaign for U.S. Senate in Iowa and ours to make sure we unseat Thom Tillis and ensure Democrats finally take back the Senate in November?

When we take back the Senate and bring much-needed strong leadership to Washington, it will be because folks like you stepped up in moments like these. Let’s do this.

— Cal

Click the links above to donate to Greenfield and Cunningham’s campaigns.

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