HI-Sen: Brian Schatz (D) Keeps Up The Call For Debt-Free College Tuition


Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Brian Schatz’s (D. HI) re-election campaign:

When I talk to a group of students or have a town hall meeting, there is a good chance someone is going to ask about how we deal with the rising cost of college.

This is an issue that really weighs on so many of us. It’s something that students and their families worry about for years. It’s something they make sacrifices for and sometimes still can’t make work. And it shouldn’t be that way.

That’s why I am working on a plan that establishes a partnership between federal and state governments to increase funding for public colleges – lowering tuition and ensuring students don’t have to take on decades of debt to pay for their education.

Become a citizen co-sponsor of my plan to make college debt-free by adding your name.

Debt free college is something Americans overwhelmingly support. A poll last year showed 78% of the respondents, and 90% of young people, believe that students should not have to take on debt to attend college. It’s time we make this a reality.

Become a citizen co-sponsor of my plan to make college debt-free. Add your name if you agree.

Thank you,


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