GA-Sen: Sen. Jon Ossoff (D) Refuses To Let GOP Voter Suppression Take Down Sen. Raphael Warnock (D)

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff (D. GA) in support of his colleague, U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock’s (D. GA) re-election campaign:

I'm asking you to split $10 between me and Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock so we can ramp up Voter Protection efforts in Georgia, where voting rights are under attack.

100 days ago, Reverend Warnock and I took our oaths to become United States Senators.

In those 100 days, we've delivered historic economic relief for working families and small businesses, critical aid to public schools and health centers, and made the COVID vaccine available to every adult American.

And thanks to the strength and resilience of the American people and the good public policy we have enacted, we are turning the corner in the fight against COVID-19. America is back, and our potential is limitless.

None of this would have been possible without our historic Senate victories in Georgia. That's why President Biden came here yesterday to mark his first 100 days in office.

And those victories were only possible thanks to YOU and the MILLIONS of grassroots supports who donated, made phone calls, wrote postcards, and knocked on doors. THANK YOU!

But right now the GOP is restricting voting access to Georgians in the upcoming midterms — and that puts our majority and all this progress at risk.

So before the critical end-of-month deadline tonight, Laura — I need you to split a $10 donation between Senator Warnock and me so we can take our organizing and Voter Protection efforts to the next level →

Keeping our Senate majority in 2022 means doubling down on our organizing and voter protection efforts in Georgia.

And the Georgia GOP's new voter suppression law means we can't rest in the off-year — we are organizing year round, and we need grassroots donors like you to help fund it.

So before tonight's end-of-month deadline, please split $10 between me and the Reverend so we can KEEP WORKING to protect the vote →

I hope you'll help.

Your friend,


Click here to donate to Warnock’s re-election campaign.

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