GA-Sen A: New Poll Has Jon Ossoff (D) Beating David Perdue (R) 45-44, Biden Beating Trump 47-43

Some very encouraging news today out of Georgia:


Here’s some more info:

Between July 9and 15, GarinHartYang interviewed a representative sample of 800 likely general election voters in Georgia.  The survey, which was conducted on both landlines and cell phones, was fully representative of an expected November 2020 general election by key factors such as gender, age, geography, partisan affiliation, and race.  For example, whites comprise 61% of our sample and AfricanAmericans comprise 30%. The survey’s margin of error is +3.5%.  The following are the key findings:

1. Joe Biden currently leads Donald Trump in Georgia.  The Vice President is supported by 47% of voters, President Trump garners 43%, and 10% are undecided. Both candidates win overwhelmingly among their respective parties, with Biden’s overall advantage coming from his fifteenpoint advantage among Independents.

2. Jon Ossoff has a 45% to 44%advantage over Republican Senator David Perdue, as the race starts in essentially a dead heat.Because Ossoff currently has a name ID deficit with the incumbent, his lead is larger among Georgia voters who know both candidatesan encouraging sign as Ossoff will increase his profile.

Click here for the full results.

Let’s go big to flip Georgia Blue. Click below to donate and get involved with Ossoff, Biden, Rev, Raphael Warnock and their fellow Georgia Democrats campaigns:

Jon Ossoff

Raphael Warnock

Joe Biden

Lucy McBath

Carolyn Bourdeaux

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