GA-Gov: VoteVets Refuses To Let Brian Kemp (R) Steal This Election From Stacey Abrams (D)

Received this e-mail today from VoteVets in support of Stacey Abrams’ (D. GA) gubernatorial campaign:

Stacey Abrams (D. GA)

Stacey Abrams is racing against a deadline. On Tuesday at 5pm, all counties in Georgia are required to certify their election results.

So right now her campaign is racing to find every vote they can while mounting legal challenges to ensure every vote is counted.

Honestly, what has happened to Stacey Abrams is a national disgrace. It's shameful. Her opponent in the race, in his role overseeing the election, kicked people off ballots and made it unreasonably hard for others to vote.

And it worked. His lead is well within the margin of his vote suppression. But Stacey hasn't given up yet and we're not giving up on her either. So we have to ask:

Can you split a $3 donation between Stacey Abrams' effort to make sure ever vote is counted, and VoteVets to support our work elevating the voices of veterans demanding the same? This is so important.

This is the United States of America. How many have fought and died for the right to vote? We should be making it as easy as possible to do so, and then we should count every vote. Brian Kemp failed in both of those regards. So we're going to fight with Stacey.

All my best,

Jon Soltz 
Iraq War Veteran and Chairman 

Click here to donate to Abrams campaign.

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