GA-Gov: DFA & Stacey Abrams (D) Keep Up The Fight To Count Every Vote In Georgia

Received this e-mail today from Stacey Abrams (D. GA) on behalf of Democracy for America:

When Georgians chose me as their Democratic nominee for governor, I made a vow: In our Georgia, no one will be unseen, unheard, or uninspired.

We know fulfilling that vow will take effort. It takes commitment to the whole truth. It takes hard work. But as I told you then, hard work is in our bones – and we have proven that every day on this campaign.

We will continue to work hard until the very end. We will fight for every vote, just like I will fight for every Georgian as Governor. And that means keeping our eyes on the process to ensure that this election is conducted fairly.

We have some of the best legal minds in the country working to make sure every vote is counted, but we need your help urgently. Will you make a donation right away to support our legal team?

In Georgia, civil rights has always been an act of will and a battle for our souls. And because we have been fighting this fight since our beginnings, we have learned a fundamental truth: Democracy only works when we work for it.

We have closed the gap between yesterday and tomorrow. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I know I can count on you to see this campaign through to the end.

We're in this fight together,

Stacey Abrams

Click here to donate to Abrams efforts.

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