Fox News (!): Trump acted alone in withholding aid from Ukraine

Well, well, well, I ain’t never seen the likes of this.

Fox News; no really, Fox News; I’m not kidding:

Rudy Giuliani was not the only attorney trying to get damaging information on Joe Biden from Ukrainian officials, and President Trump’s decision to withhold aid from Ukraine this summer was made in spite of several federal agencies supporting the aid, Fox News’ Chris Wallace revealed on “Fox News Sunday.”

And here’s the money shot:

Fox News has learned that the Pentagon, State Department and National Security Council were “unanimous” in supporting the aid to Ukraine, and that Trump acted alone in withholding the aid over the summer.

To be fair, they also printed Trump’s bullshit excuse that he was withholding the aid because he wanted European countries to chip in more, but the fact that pretty much everyone in government but Trump wanted to release the funds is pretty damning. The best Trump can say is that he was acting stupidly and against experts’ advice because he wanted to save a few pennies. (For perspective: the more than $105 million Trump has spent on golf is more than a quarter of the $400 million we promised in aid for Ukraine.)

So, is Fox News cracking? Or (much more likely) is this just another random “error” on the part of a “journalist” that the Borg collective will identify and correct, posthaste?

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