Fox News Poll Has Joe Biden Beating Trump In Pennsylvania 50-42

Latest news out Pennsylvania courtesy of Fox News’ latest poll:

With most Pennsylvania voters concerned about catching coronavirus and nearly six-in-ten believing the Trump administration was too slow to act, Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in that battleground state.

Biden is preferred over Trump by 8 percentage points (50-42 percent), according to a Fox News Poll of Pennsylvania registered voters.  That is slightly larger than the poll’s margin of sampling error.  Eight percent are undecided.

Trump gets strong backing from rural whites (+18 points), Gen Xers (+12), and whites without a college degree (+15).  He is up by only 7 points among men, below his 17-point advantage in 2016.

Trump received 48 percent of the vote in 2016 and won Pennsylvania by less than one percentage point.  It was the first time a Republican presidential candidate had won the state since 1988.   Currently, 47 percent approve of the job he is doing as president and 51 percent disapprove.

Thirteen percent of voters who approve of Trump’s job performance are not currently supporting his re-election, and either back Biden (7 percent), won’t vote (1 percent), or are undecided (5 percent).  That makes his 42 percent share of the vote lower than his 47 percent approval rating.

“This segment of voters who approve of the job Trump is doing but don’t currently back him against Biden is interesting,” says Democratic pollster Chris Anderson, whose firm conducts the Fox News Poll with Republican Daron Shaw.

“If voters approve of his leadership style but are questioning if it is right for the future, holding onto Pennsylvania will be challenging for Trump. But if they like Trump personally and will line back up behind him in November, the race could be very close.”

Biden’s advantage comes from large leads among women (+21 points), Millennials (+24), and suburban women (+30).

Those extremely interested in the election pick Biden over Trump by 10 points.  Half of both Democrats (49 percent) and Republicans (51 percent) are extremely interested.

Meanwhile, Biden has a net positive favorable rating by 9 points (52 favorable, 43 unfavorable), while Trump is underwater by 9 points (44 favorable, 53 unfavorable).

Pennsylvania is a big state we need to win in order to get to 270 electoral votes. Let’s keep up the momentum and get ready to win my home state. Click here to donate and get involved with Biden’s campaign.

Also, click here to request your mail-in ballot.

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