Four National Polls Give Biden a 10 Point Lead…

National Polls released today by Quinnipiac University (rated B+), Marquette University (rated A/B), and USC Dornsife (rated  B/C), and Politico (B/C) each give Joe Biden a lead of 10% against Trump.…

“Voters think Biden is smarter, more honest, more level headed, and cares more about Americans than the president. And that, in part, translates into a ten-point lead,” said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy.
Democrats back Biden 96 – 2 percent, independents back him 49 – 41 percent, and Republicans back Trump 91 – 7 percent.
Ninety-four percent of likely voters who selected a candidate for president say their minds are made up, while 5 percent say they might change their minds.…

Marquette University has Biden winning 50% to 40% nationally. Marquette primarily polls in Wisconsin, and this is its first national poll this year.

USC Dornsife is a daily tracking poll that has a Biden lead of 52% to 42%. Biden had a 11% lead in yesterday’s poll.…

A poll taken August 25-September 6  by Harvard/Politico/SSRS (rated B/C) and released today shows Biden leading Trump nationally by 52% to 42%.…

Other national polls released today give Biden a lead, though by varying amounts. YouGov shows a lead of 49% to 42%. Rasmussen says Biden is up by 48% to 47%. Change Research has the race at 51% to 42%. Qriously surveys the presidential race at 48% to 40%. Climate Nexus has the best Biden lead at 52% to 41%. All but Rasmussen would result in a clear Biden win.

The headline could have been “Eight National Polls give Biden a 7% or Greater Lead”

Website 538 takes these poll averages and others over the last several weeks and gives Biden a 77% chance of winning compared to 22% for Trump. It gives Biden a current average lead of 7.3% nationally. Some of the Republican polls like Rasmussen and Trafalgar pull the average down.

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