FL-Gov: DFA Goes All In To Help Andrew Gillum (D) Win His Recount

Received this e-mail from Democracy for America in support of Andrew Gillum’s (D. FL) gubernatorial campaign:


1) The Florida gubernatorial election has now officially met the threshold for a statewide machine RECOUNT. The recount results are due no later than 3pm ET on Thursday.

2) Andrew Gillum has officially WITHDRAWN his concession to Ron DeSantis.

In a speech just a few hours ago, Andrew made it crystal clear:

“In America, we count every vote regardless of what outcome may be… I am replacing my words of concession with an uncompromising and unapologetic call that we count every single vote.”

With reports of tens of thousands of votes under-counted in Broward County alone, the fate of Andrew's historic run for governor — and the rights of millions of Floridians who expect their votes to be counted — hangs in the balance.

Andrew Gillum needs you now at this critical moment. Please chip in $3 or more right now to help Andrew, his legal team, and DFA ensure that Florida will #CountEveryVote.

The eyes of the nation are now on Florida. Again.

In a frightening sequel to the Gore v. Bush chaos that consumed Florida in 2000, Republicans are storming elections offices across the state.

One of the worst Republican shock troops is a Congressmember. On Friday night, Rep. Matt Gaetz — who has a well-documented history of spreading insane conspiracy theories — was caught on camera completely unhinged, screaming at reporters outside the Broward County elections office.

Fortunately, Andrew Gillum — who Democracy for America endorsed the same week his campaign launched in June 2017 — has a rapid response legal team on the ground ready to contest every vote not counted.

This legal work is expensive for a campaign, especially in a large state like Florida. That's why Andrew's campaign needs us urgently: Chip in $3 or more to Andrew Gillum's team at Forward Florida PAC (and to DFA) today.

Thank you for your support for Andrew. Now let's bring it home.

– Eden

Eden James, Political Director
Democracy for America

Click here to donate to Gillum’s campaign.

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