FL-Gov: Bernie Sanders Helps Andrew Gillum (D) Defeat Racist Dog Whistler Ron DeSantis (R)

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I. VT) in support of Andrew Gillum’s (D. FL) gubernatorial campaign:

I am writing to tell you that last night was an extraordinary and historic night for our political revolution.

In Florida, Andrew Gillum took on virtually the entire political and financial establishment of the state. No one thought he had a chance — not just at the start of the campaign, but as recently as a few weeks ago. But while his opponents had the money, Andrew had the people. He ran a grassroots campaign that forcefully spoke directly to the needs of working families, and last night Andrew won.

You are going to love Andrew Gillum. When I traveled to Florida to campaign for him recently, I left full of hope for progressives in that state. And he did not let us down.

Andrew has never backed down from a fight. And that includes beating the NRA and standing up against xenophobic politicians. He campaigned on ideas like Medicare for all, raising the minimum wage, investments in sustainable energy, and making sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share. He will be a governor who represents all the people, and not just the 1 percent.

The truth is, everywhere progressives are running, progressives are winning. It was not just Andrew Gillum who won last night, but both progressive candidates we endorsed in competitive state legislative primaries won as well. We are transforming the Democratic Party — like we saw last weekend when the DNC voted overwhelmingly to eliminate superdelegate votes in the presidential nominating process — and we are transforming the nation.

That is the political revolution.

Election Day is right around the corner, and Andrew Gillum starts at a financial disadvantage once again. So it’s important we stand with him today, especially when he spent almost everything he raised to win a primary against two well-financed opponents. So I have to ask:

Can you split a very important $3 donation between Andrew Gillum’s campaign and my work supporting and rallying for progressive candidates like Andrew all across the country? He needs our help. I would not ask if it wasn’t so important.

Andrew is running against Republican Congressman Ron DeSantis, who has the unwavering support of President Trump and admires him so much that he ran television ads showing his kids “building the wall” with toy blocks and giving another one of his children a “Make America Great Again” onesie.

That was the ad, and essentially his entire campaign was showing Republican primary voters how much he loves Trump and will fight for his agenda.

So for that reason alone, it is critical that we beat Ron DeSantis in this race.

But it is just as important that we send an unmistakable message that the way to beat Donald Trump and his agenda in places like Florida is by running on progressive policies and electing candidates who will represent all of us, and not just the billionaire class.

Andrew needs our help to get it done. I hope that you will support him.

Make a $3 donation to Andrew Gillum’s campaign today:


Last night was a tremendous night for our political revolution. But winning primaries is not enough. We have to win in November as well.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Click here to donate to Gillum’s campaign. 

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