Elizabeth Warren's New Nevada Ad Highlights Her Work With Both President Obama & Harry Reid

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) highlighted her work with former President Barack Obama and former Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in a new ad airing in Nevada ahead of the state’s caucuses next week.

The 30-second clip that is airing across the Silver State starting Saturday and highlights praise from the two former leaders on Warren’s work on economic issues, including her time setting up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under the Obama administration.

“She’s become perhaps the leading voice in our country on behalf of consumers,” Obama says in archival footage included in the video. “Elizabeth understands what I strongly believe – that a strong, growing economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class.”

“She had studied the financial world and had an insight into it that others didn’t have. When she talks, people listen,” Reid, who remains an influential figure in Nevada politics even after his retirement, adds in another archival clip.

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