Elizabeth Warren's New Ad Rips Bloomberg's Past Spending To Keep The Senate GOP In Power

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday attacked fellow Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg in a new ad, slamming the billionaire over his previous Republican ties.

Warren took aim at Bloomberg's large number of television ads and targeted his record of endorsing and financing Republican candidates, including the GOP senator Warren unseated in 2012 in Massachusetts.

“You've probably seen more ads from Michael Bloomberg than the rest of us running for president together,” Warren said in the 30-second ad. “Big money is powerful, but it doesn't always win. I know that first hand, when I ran against an incumbent Republican to take a U.S Senate seat away from Mitch McConnell, Bloomberg endorsed the Republican and he raised big money for him. But I beat him anyways.”

Warren ends the ad saying, “I believe our democracy should work for you, not the billionaires.”

Bloomberg endorsed then-Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) in 2012 during the high profile campaign between him and Warren. Bloomberg touted Brown's opposition, breaking with his party, to legislation that would allow concealed-carry permits issued by states to apply nationwide.  

Let's keep this ad on the air and when big on Super Tuesday. Click here to donate and get involved with Warren’s campaign.

Also, be sure to vote for Warren in Democracy for America’s presidential endorsement poll. Click here to cast your vote!

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