Don’t Let Trump Bully Progressive Rep. Rashida Tlaib

For Progressive Victories!  Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team

Pitch In To Support PDA And Rashida Tlaib

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has been working to elect powerful progressives since our founding in 2004. That’s why we only endorse candidates like Rashida Tlaib. We backed Rashida in her primary and general election campaigns in Michigan’s 13th district. Now, Rashida is under attack from Trump and his minions, most notably extreme right wing Islamaphobe Liz Cheney—daughter of war criminal Dick Cheney.

When we endorsed Rashida, we wrote: “We must reject politics based on hate and threats. Verbal and physical violence have no place in American political life. When Trumpublicans demonize voters, they prove they cannot govern. We must make sure everyone is encouraged to vote.”

Outrageously, Trump and his extremists are actually demonizing members of Congress! Don’t let them get away with it! Please sign up now to call progressives who may be feeling intimidated and encourage them to get active with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox and the PDA phone team. No time to volunteer? Then, please contribute now to help Rashida and PDA fight back. (Donations shared between PDA and Rashida).

Support Rashida Tlaib, Progressive Champion!


In just under five months in Congress, Rashida Tlaib has proven herself to be a thoughtful, courageous, and compassionate leader. Dig deep to help Rashida and PDA fight back against right wing smears! No spare change to help us stand with Rashida? Then join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.


P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! To get active organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.

Help PDA Elect Progressives

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