Democratic Congressional Candidate Amy McGrath Does Not Mince Words.

Democrat Amy McGrath is running against Republican Congressman Andy Barr in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District, and McGrath had plenty to say about Trump and his lovefest with Putin.

“Today, the commander-in-chief again sided with a foreign adversary rather than on our own intelligence community,” McGrath said. “It’s breathtaking. When will Republicans in Congress put the country before their political party and flat out condemn these actions?”

The retired Marine fighter pilot was reacting to a Monday summit between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a joint news conference after a one-on-one meeting between the two world leaders and their translators, Trump did not push back when Putin denied that his government attempted to interfere with the U.S. Presidential election.

What’s Barr’s comments on Trump and Putin sitting in a tree?

Trump’s remarks brought swift criticism from both Republican and Democratic politicians, but U.S. Rep. Andy Barr, R-Lexington, was not among them. Jodi Whitaker, his spokeswoman, said Barr was in meetings and hadn’t seen Trump’s comments.

“He’s preparing for a Financial Services Committee hearing Wednesday with (Chairman of the Federal Reserve) Jay Powell,” Whitaker said Monday afternoon. “And he has not had a chance to look at it yet.”

Yeah, go on and hide Barr.

As the article points out, the 6th is not some hotbed of liberals.  The district went 15 points for Trump in 2016.  Many have argued that Democrats should focus solely on economic issues or health care because the voters don’t give a shit about Russian interference in our elections. 

Does it really have to be a binary choice?

I think Democrats like McGrath can go on offense on foreign policy and on domestic issues.  My own reading of why Democrats lose in purple and red areas of the country is that they do not act with passion and guts.  In other words, they do not project strength.  I think that voters would be more receptive to Democratic candidates if they called out Republicans for putting their party above the interests of the country.

Check out her website: Amy McGrath for Congress.

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