CT-Gov: Joe Lieberman Is Back To Screw Over Ned Lamont (D) Again

Fuck off, Joe:

Maybe Joe Lieberman still hasn’t gotten over 2006.

The estranged Democrat, who survived losing his party’s U.S. Senate nomination to Ned Lamont that year and campaigned for John McCain against Barack Obama in 2008, has agreed to serve on the transition team of Lamont’s foe in the governor’s race, Republican Bob Stefanowski.

Stefanowski is already assembling a circle of advisers should he be victorious in next Tuesday’s election, a practice that’s not uncommon for major elective offices.

Lieberman emphasized to The Courant Wednesday that he is not taking sides in the toss-up race, however.

“Honestly, I would do the same if Ned Lamont is elected and asked me,” Lieberman said. “I have seen Ned periodically since 2006 and when we see each other we’re very cordial. 2006 is 12 years ago and over.”

Yeah, right. Here’s something else you should know about Joe:

Meanwhile, Lieberman retired from the Senate in 2013 and is now a lobbyist with the New York-based law firm Kasowitz Benson Torres. One of the principals, Marc Kasowitz, is President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer.

Marr said Stefanowski will make sure Lieberman is not involved in anything that would pose a conflict of interest and “we would make sure to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest.”

“If there’s a conflict of interest, we would get advice from other sources,” Marr added.

Lieberman did not return requests for comment.

Marr said there are other individuals, both inside and outside Connecticut, advising the campaign who may serve on the Stefanowski transition team.

“There’s a wide variety of people who he’s getting advice form,” Marr said.

Meanwhile, Lamont is still leading in recent polls but it;s still competitive:

A new poll by Emerson College shows Greenwich Democrat Ned Lamont leading by 7 percentage points in the governor’s race with less than one week until election day.

The poll showed Lamont with 46 percent, compared to 39 percent for Republican Bob Stefanowski of Madison and 10 percent for independent Oz Griebel of Hartford. Another five percent said they are still undecided, and the poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 3.7 percentage points.

“The unpopularity of CT Gov. Dannel Malloy may be hurting the Democratic nominee, Ned Lamont,’’ the survey said.

Malloy has a favorability rating of 21 percent in the poll, compared to President Donald J. Trump at 36 percent favorable. A series of polls in recent months have shown that Trump is more popular in Connecticut than Malloy, who will be leaving office in January after eight years that included two of the largest tax increases in state history.

A series of other polls show the race as a dead heat — with the point spread within the margin of error. Polls by Quinnipiac University and Sacred Heart University/Hearst Media Connecticut have been too close to call. The internal polls by the Stefanowski and Lamont campaigns have shown tight, single-digit races.

Don’t let Lieberman screw over Lamont again. Click below to help get out the vote for Lamont and his fellow Connecticut Democrats:

Ned Lamont

Chris Murphy

Jahana Hayes

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