Lindsey Graham (R-SC) speaks at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, on Capitol Hill September 27, 2018 in Washington, DC.

COVID presser: Trump pimps for free television coverage with the same shtick starting Tuesday

So the return of the daily presser can be blamed on Lindsey Graham. The pretense will be the coronovirus. Deja vu all over again.

However, since Trump might not appear with administration supporters, it more likely will take the same format as previous. The old format was Trump reading some prepared remarks, then veering from them, attacking Joe Biden more this time, and closing with a short question segment, complete with a planted question from OANN.


There should be a pool for the first member of the press to ask Trump one of the five closing questions on the Montreal Cognition test, like “count down from 100 in increments of 7 in descending order.”

Resuming Trump’s “coronavirus task force briefings is the culmination of weeks of debate among his aides about how best to turn around — or explain away — his administration’s failed response to the pandemic,”

Several White House officials said the administration had to talk more about the virus because Trump’s poll numbers have fallen significantly in recent weeks.

There has been a net drop of 28 points in his approval margin on the virus since March, according to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll. Currently, 38 percent approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, and 60 percent disapprove. Trump trails his Democratic rival Joe Biden 55 percent to 40 percent among registered voters in the poll, the latest to show a double-digit gap.

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) speaks at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, on Capitol Hill September 27, 2018 in Washington, DC.
Among the allies urging Trump to do more about the virus is Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who golfed with the president on Saturday and Sunday.

“Do you think what we’re doing right now is working?” one official said, when asked whether the briefings would improve the president’s standing.

Officials are hoping to prep the president for shorter briefings.

Many of the briefings are likely to feature just the president — a departure from previous events where public health officials also appeared, administration officials said.

“The plan is for them to be the president and to keep them short and tight,” a senior administration official said, adding that Trump could appear multiple times per week.


Trump’s critics have argued that the president has already shown that he cannot be trusted to responsibly command the country’s attention during the crisis. Some have pushed for television networks not to air the briefings, which have at times run for two hours and veered into a tangle of subjects unrelated to the pandemic.

“We’ve watched this exact scene from Donald Trump’s ongoing horror movie before when he hijacked the briefings and spread dangerous misinformation, including advising Americans who get COVID-19 to inject themselves with disinfectant — drowning out the same public health experts who he’s now outright attacking,” Andrew Bates, a spokesman for Biden, said in a statement.…













disinformation at its worse


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