Cops Trying to Assassinate Murdered While Black Victim's Character. This is Total BS.

Botham Jean was shot in his own home by an off duty Dallas cop who claimed she thought she was in her apartment but who told conflicting stories about how this supposedly happened.

This was sufficiently bizarre that the Dallas PD turned over the investigation to the Texas Rangers who dutifully tossed the victim’s apartment and leaked the tidbit that less than half an ounce of marijuana had been found to a local Fox affiliate who featured this non-issue in the above headline about the story…

To be fair to the Fox affiliate, after they put out the police disinformation, they later told the real story:

“The lawyer for the family of the Dallas man fatally shot by a police officer in his own apartment says police are trying to discredit the victim.

Botham Shem Jean, 26, died on Sept. 6 after off-duty officer Amber Guyger walked into his apartment, allegedly thinking she was in hers (which is located one floor below) and shot him twice.

Attorney Lee Merritt, who represents Jean’s family, criticized the police’s search warrant, which was obtained in the hours following the shooting, as an attempt to discredit Jean after his death.

“They immediately began to smear him,” Merritt told The Associated Press.

According to a search warrant affidavit released on Thursday, police seized two fired cartridge casings, one laptop, a ballistic police vest, a backpack with police equipment and paperwork, two radio frequency identification keys, 10.4 grams of marijuana (equal to less than half an ounce) and a marijuana grinder, among other things, from Jean’s apartment.

Matt Schweich, deputy director of the policy reform group Marijuana Policy Project, questioned why officials haven’t released a search warrant for Guyger’s apartment.

“A small amount of personal marijuana is irrelevant to this tragedy. It’s as relevant as a six-pack of beer,” Schweich told HuffPost.”

NAACP President Cornell William Brooks tweeted this correct assessment of these events:

And about the second story the off duty cop, Amber Guyger, told about how she got into Botham’s apartment – that the door was “ajar” – we have this…

Welcome to America folks, where, if you are a black man, a cop can stumble into your apartment and shoot you dead for no reason, and her buds will toss your apartment looking, postmortem, for evidence of a misdemeanor violation of a BS law with which to smear your character and the local fake news outlet will propagandize for them.

What a country!

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