Commentary|| Rape, Incest, or the Health of the Fifty-One Senate Votes

As a practicing Democrat, I have endured the slings and arrows of the conservative-Christian community for years. I have heard that caring about the poor, taking the stewardship of the planet seriously, and leaving the decision to have a baby to God and the mother were spawns of the devil. Listening to CNN and GOP commentator Alice Stewart abandon any semblance of respect, or  Dana Loesch who said she would not care if GOP Senate candidate—Herschel Walker aborted baby bald eagles were revealing. If conservatism had any honor left, it has been thrown for a loss on the back of a former football player. The fact that I never adorned myself with chains sporting dangling praying hands or a crucifix is not a sign of my faith or lack thereof. I am redeemed (thanks, Herschel) now that the Republican party is officially out of the Jesus closet.

What is abundantly clear is that the Republican version of Christianity reveals they have never read about the life of Jesus or Donald Trump. Worshipping both and calling yourself a Christian is antithetical. If that were not proof enough—of their hypocrisy, we have the lives of Reverend/Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA) and Herschel Walker. Walker is becoming increasingly more transparent with his every denial that he had multiple children with other women while married, denied the existence of some, and aborted one, at least. The questions about his education, businesses, and law enforcement credentials have never been satisfied. His uber-conservative son—ironically named Christian— entered the fray, accusing his father of threatening his life and his mother’s life in the past.

Alice Stewart is the latest Republican apologist to abandon principle over winning. Stewart tried a little nuanced both sider-ism, not mentioning a party in her statement but was called out by fellow panelists John Avlon and moderate Republican S.E. Cupp.

Fifty-One Votes in the Senate

Thursday evening, she said, “We’re seeing character and ethics are not a qualifying factor for elected officials anymore,” she explained. “It’s unfortunate, but it’s actual reality… It is disheartening to hear edicts like that from Republicans who first tout their religious bona fides. Stewart’s blinding rationalization was a day after right-wing voice Dana Loesch said, “What I’m about to say is by no means a contradiction or a compromise of a principle. And please keep in mind that I am concerned about one thing, and one thing only at this point. I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate,” Loesch said. Her conclusion is the epitome of the callous win-at-all-cost attitude of the current GOP, “I don’t even care,” said Loesch.

Meanwhile, Senator Warnock is walking in the footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., literally. No, the reverend is not a saint; I am sure he would admit that. Unlike Mr. Walker, whose resume belies his version of the truth and thinks uttering the word ‘redemption’ is a cure-all. The GOP may have found its golden idol in Mr. Trump and his surrogate in Herschel Walker, but the truth is stubborn.

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