Check out this unintentionally hilarious Donald Trump tweet

I suppose it’s important to project confidence when your bowels are spilling out on the abattoir floor, but this tweet really makes me wonder what channel Donald Trump is watching. And on what planet. (I assume he’s talking about the impeachment hearings and not a Three Stooges short.)


Aaaaaaaaaand … the inevitable replies from members of the sane community:

— Act Justly Love Mercy ✝️🍑 (@AnyoneBut2020) November 20, 2019


— Nancy Levine 🌊 (@nancylevine) November 20, 2019

— El Lobo (@El_Lobo) November 20, 2019

— Pernickety Panda (Formerly @CuteLazy_Panda) (@PernicketyPanda) November 20, 2019


— The Truth is Out There (@drmom247) November 20, 2019


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Question: Is the Adderall in Trump’s alternate universe spiked with psilocybin? Because that tweet doesn’t reflect anything that I’ve seen today.

We’re about two days away from Trump showing up at the Lincoln Memorial in the middle of the night with Kleenex boxes on his feet. 

And I, for one, can’t wait.

Does Trump make you want to delete your brain? Of course he does! But don’t do it until you’ve read Dear Fcking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump and its breathlessly awaited sequel Dear Fcking Moron: 101 More Letters to Donald Trump by Aldous J. Pennyfarthing. Reviewers have called these books “hysterically funny,” “cathartic,” and “laugh-out-loud” diversions from our temporary hell on Earth. Don’t delay. Click those links, yo!

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