#Trumpeachment moves closer to the bunker on Monday with Fiona Hill's testimony

Axios reports that the twin pillars on which the impeachment inquiry will center is Ukraine and obstruction of justice. The advantage of the latter is that it also folds in as a structure the Mueller report when the bill of impeachment gets constructed. It also indicates where the cover-up will be focused by the WH and…

poll dancing: in Hill/HarrisX poll, 47% support impeachment inquiry as 42% oppose

Polls are trending toward supporting the impeachment inquiry. Since House Democrats launched a formal impeachment inquiry last Tuesday, support for impeachment has grown, according to polls from Politico/Morning Consult, HuffPost/YouGov, NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist, CBS News/YouGov, and Quinnipiac. These shifts suggest that public sentiment could continue to change as the inquiry proceeds. Such increases in support could bode well for Democratic leaders,…

Republican Congressman Kinzinger Calls Trump Retweet “Beyond Repugnant”

thehill.com/… Illinois Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL CD-16) strongly rebuked Donald Trump for retweeting a remark saying impeachment would cause a Civil War like fracture. Adam Kinzinger‏ @RepKinzinger Adam Kinzinger Retweeted Donald J. Trump I have visited nations ravaged by civil war. @realDonaldTrump I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President.  This is…

Two Polls Show Republican Sen. Tom Tillis in Trouble in NC Senate Race

Democratic candidate Cal Cunningham has a two point edge in the 2020 Senate race in North Carolina over Republican incumbent Tom Tillis who has a high unfavorable rate. thehill.com/… The poll, conducted by the left-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) and commissioned by the Democratic outside group End Citizens United, shows Cunningham leading Tillis 45 percent…

#TrumpIsARat is trending on Twitter. Enjoy!

After The Baltimore Sun declared that “it’s better to have a few rats than to be one,” #TrumpIsARat started trending on Twitter. Enjoy: #TrumpIsARat trends on Twitter after Baltimore Sun publishes scathing editorial of Trump https://t.co/wEfad07A50 pic.twitter.com/38DKUQNBeZ — The Hill (@thehill) July 28, 2019 Obama = still loved and respected all over the world Trump = greeted…

Media reporting on Trump's approval rating has become absurd

Talk about the bigotry of low expectations. As news outlets gather ‘round and marvel at Donald Trump's slowly improving popularity, he's basically being rewarded for having posted truly middling polling numbers for the past two years. Virtually ignored in all the coverage is the fact that Trump is the only president in the history of…

Trump: Ivanka and Jared have 'sacrificed a lot' to work in White House

What exactly have they sacrificed? Goats? Because that at least would be marginally believable. x President Trump: “I thought Ivanka was amazing at the G20, & I'll tell you the foreign leaders loved her and they just think she's great. She's very smart and she's done a great job. She sacrificed a lot. Ivanka & Jared…

Barr uses solemn D-Day anniversary to whine about how hard his job is

Much as Donald Trump joked that the specter of STD infection during the ‘70s was his own personal Vietnam, Attorney General William Barr is convinced war is hell — and on par with covering up the (alleged) crimes of a scofflaw president. In a speech at the FBI academy yesterday (where they train young patriotic…

Swing State Presidential Polls Looking Good

http://www.vox.com/… Donald Trump’s approval rate is quite dismal in many of the key states that will decide the 2020 election, according to Morning Consult. This is one of a series of polls that show Trump in trouble despite an economy that has been doing well until now. morningconsult.com/… New Hampshire: 39% to 58% Wisconsin: 42%…

When Pat Robertson thinks Alabama has gone too far, Hell has frozen.

When Ole Pat Roberson, of the 700 Club, the Preacher in Chief for all things he considers immoral and yet hypocritical, thinks Alabama has gone too far, this tells you just how far from the tracks the train has jumped.   thehill.com/… Televangelist Pat Robertson, who is opposed to abortion, criticized an anti-abortion bill passed by the…