Trump's last hurrah could be revealed in the SOTU

E. Howard Hunt’s storytelling could return as one can imagine Trump's last State of the Union speech (SOTU) as unhinged, the second SOTU in history to be delivered by an impeached POTUS. In the age of “threat imminence” new yet improbable CTs will emerge, as their narratives are now getting their trial ballooning, like “Obama killed Gaddafi”….

Half a billion animals incinerated in Australia

“The anger is real. The anger is justified. Because this disaster was all foreseen and predicted. For decades the link between a hotter, drier climate, land-clearing, excessive irrigation and increased fire risk have all been attested in scientific papers.”  Carol Sparks, Mayor of Glenn Innes Severn Council My view on Australia burning: that human-caused global…

MoveOn members in 2019: Putting our people power to work

MoveOn members began 2019 with new hope for our future as a new Congress was sworn in—the most diverse House of Representatives in history, with many progressive champions MoveOn members played pivotal roles in electing. And we ended the year with the impeachment of Donald Trump—a critical achievement to help check his administration’s rampant abuses…

How Rudy helped impeach Trump in the 84 days of Arms for Dirt

A new article provides a narrative that while explaining the story of the Arms for Dirt scandal, that there’s a timeline for several parallel activities. It also shows that there are more than a few strands of related activity at work, especially since running in the background of Arms for Dirt was an investment scandal…

Democrats need to prepare Americans for a Trump-induced financial meltdown

History has clearly shown that Democrats are continuously left to clean up the economic mess of Republican administrations. And in the process, like President Obama in 2010, Democrats pay the price for the pain as they rebuild from the latest financial meltdown. While Republicans will lie about supposed consequences of Democratic policies (death panels, throwing grandma over the…

Dean Obeidallah: Democrats ceding 'good economy' talking point is a loser

Dean Obeidallah appeared on MSNBC’s AM Joy and made a very important critique on Democrats ceding the economic narrative to Donald Trump. Dean Obeidallah correct on not ceding economic message A few weeks ago I wrote a piece titled “Make the stock market record highs and low unemployment Trump’s failure.” A meme about the stock…

context begins to catch up to the Giuliani propaganda

Politicians thinking of entering the recent Giuliani Ukraine “documentary” piece into trial evidence, need to first read this WaPo article by Ian Bateson. x Opinion: What Rudy Giuliani’s version of reality looks like from Ukraine— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) December 27, 2019 Earlier this month, Rudolph W. Giuliani made an unexpected trip to Ukraine, accompanied…

Donald Trump was impeached. Where do we go from here?

The suspense is over: Donald J. Trump is impeached. The question is, now what?  It is unlikely that the Senate will remove Donald Trump from the office of the presidency. There are those who are not politically savvy, who do not stay informed, and who are likely expecting something substantive to happen out of this impeachment….

The New York Times' impeachment coverage devolves into Republican talking points

Firmly adopting Republican spin as the best way to view the House impeachment of Donald Trump, The New York Times in recent days appears to have forfeited much of its news coverage to the GOP. Adopting Republican talking points that impeachment is “a political plus” for Trump; “risky” for Democrats; that the White House’s impeachment war room is…

Clear and Present Danger will gaslight in Pennsylvania tonight at 7pm ET

One anticipates that Trump flushes “10 to 15 times” down the Hershey highway (HersheyPark Drive) in tonight’s 7pm ET Hershey PA speech. Pence will also be there so expect something slightly longer and with above average lies/falsehoods. It’s a 10,500 seat venue. Trump supporters “from all parts of Pennsylvania to Florida, Wyoming and North Carolina”…

Is the DNC stunting what should be a huge Progressive Democratic win? Why?

Why would the DNC cede the narrative on impeachment to the Republicans by not matching their ad campaign with our own truth campaign? It is mind-bogging. Those of us in the independent media and blogosphere do it ad nauseam but sometimes find divergent narratives or are simply ignored instead of amplified. Recently, Stephanie Ruhle asked…

Rahm Emmanuel decimated GOP Trump-Hate impeachment talking point.

Former President Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, snuffs out Republican talking points about Trump hate being responsible for Trump’s impeachment. He did not lose his cool as he listened to the misinformation. Republican strategist Alice Stewart attempted to give Trump’s impeachment a Trump-hate narrative. Emanuel systematically deconstructed the trope. Impeachment Trump-hate trope snuffed “What we…

Make no mistake, centrism is an ideology and it has consequences

I don’t play chess but if I did, I am sure I would equate today’s politics with three-dimensional chess. And in the game, the middle class and the poor are likely to be ill-prepared to win. Centrism has powerful allies. It must be repeated ad-nauseam, the American political game is played between two rails both…

David Dennison reminds us about disinformation as Rudy Colludy manufactures some

Greg Sargent has an excellent piece on disinformation in WaPo, reminding us how the GOP continues to traffic in disinformation as the Senate impeachment trial approaches. Two new developments attest to this point: a remarkable pair of revelatory tweets from Giuliani, and a tour de force of reporting in The Post, which reveals that Trump routinely communicated throughout…

One America News Network promotes Rudy Colludy's propaganda work in Ukraine

Disinformation in plain sight now includes a series of stunts, supported by OAN and apparently pro-Russian Ukrainian politicians as Rudy Giuliani tries to spin more mischief for Trump. Coincidentally a Sinclair reporter asked Speaker Pelosi the “hate” question today.  Giuliani’s trips were organized around filming of a multipart television series produced/aired by conservative One America…

could Trump testify before the Senate, because that's who he is….

Because at this point, Individual-1 knows he has the impeachment acquittal votes, could Trump come before the Senate to make what would be a campaign speech. Trump doesn’t have to appear, but it seems more likely that with a GOP majority unwilling to have defections, Trump would try to spike the ball in must-see TV ratings…

Laura Cooper Deposition Transcript Available

Recall that this was the day the GOP stormed the SCIF. This fact-witness nails down the issues holding up military aid and the elements of the narrative that is not simply about one conversation but a parallel, insurgent process to abet bribery and extortion. Laura Cooper's testimony reveals how Trump froze Congressionally-approved aid to Ukraine. Cooper…

Deputy Assistant DoD Secretary Laura Cooper Deposition Transcript Available

Recall that this was the day the GOP stormed the SCIF. This DoD fact-witness nails down the issues holding up military aid and the elements of the narrative that is not simply about one conversation but a parallel, insurgent process to abet bribery and extortion.  The testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary Laura Cooper can be found here….

Russians and Retaliation at the White House

Individual-1 continues to not work in the interest of the US, as Vindman gets reassigned, and what was suspected becomes more evident. As expected, retaliation.Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who gave a bombshell testimony in the House impeachment investigation last month on President Donald Trump’s Ukraine scheme, will be removed from his post at the White House…

one Amigo, Rudy, and Mick walk into a trap…

A new article describes the trial ballooning of GOP narratives that would try to divert the impeachment and pin the crime on someone, anyone else. No one seems to fit even as Sondland, Mulvaney, and Giuliani appear on a short list to not make Trump guilty of bribery, extortion, or abuse of power for personal…

According To Tiger Beat On The Potomac, Buttigieg Is Coming For Joe Biden.

That is when Buttigieg is not punching at Warren.  Buttigieg won’t have to show his distaste for Beto O’Rourke any more though.  But Tiger Beat has Buttigieg going after Biden supporters in Iowa.  And as any good media outlet that loves Republicans and centrists, Tiger Beat on the Potomac (Politico) is enjoying the spectacle of…

Democrats need a Stars and Stripes Case for Impeachment

The question on whether or not Donald John Trump is convicted and removed from office by virtue of a Senate Conviction will come down not to loyalty or the current makeup of that body. The fate of President Trump will lie with what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell expects to happen on January 3rd, 2021,…

Current Media Narrative On Status of Democratic Presidential Race.

Actually, there isn’t just one Media narrative on the Democratic presidential race, but I want to focus on this one story from CNBC.  It certainly encapsulates the narrative on Joe Biden.  Yes, I do not support Joe Biden, BUT I do not think that the data presented supports the narrative.  Spoiler Alert:  Biden’s campaign is…

Chuck Todd on Hillary’s attack on Tulsi: “A Trumpian move” as Buttigieg wimps out.

I was concerned that the corporate mainstream media would adopt Hillary Clinton’s narrative of Tulsi Gabbard being a Russian asset. Chuck Todd, the MSM standard-bearer and others have not. Chuck Todd gets this one right Anyone who read or heard Former Democratic Presidential Candidate Secretary Hillary Clinton’s statement smearing Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard should have been appalled. Accusing…

The 2019 “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done” 3rd Quarter Report

Since the Trump Presidency began back in January 2017, we have endeavored to maintain a comprehensive listing of all the administrations misdeeds in the Everything Awful The Trump Administration Has Done Omnibus (full list here), and have attempted to categorize and score them accordingly. Today is October 20th, which means that as of noon today we are now…