appropriated by Biden-Harris …Bwahahahaha

Considering there are several fake Biden sites that link to Trump, there’s some bit of reciprocity WASHINGTON — Joe Biden’s campaign has purchased the web domain that spells out President Donald Trump’s re-election slogan “Keep America Great” and filled the site with what it says are Trump's broken promises… x Donald Trump promised to…

Clear and Present Danger will gaslight in Pennsylvania tonight at 7pm ET

One anticipates that Trump flushes “10 to 15 times” down the Hershey highway (HersheyPark Drive) in tonight’s 7pm ET Hershey PA speech. Pence will also be there so expect something slightly longer and with above average lies/falsehoods. It’s a 10,500 seat venue. Trump supporters “from all parts of Pennsylvania to Florida, Wyoming and North Carolina”…

Dem candidate buys URL for Trump's main campaign slogan, 'Keep America Great'

This is exactly how stupid and incompetent Donald Trump is — he allowed Tom Steyer of all people to snake a key campaign URL out from under him. Bloomberg: Billionaire and Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer’s “Cyber Monday Special” was purchasing the website domain for President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign slogan “Keep America Great.” The site directs users…

Eric Trump apparently thinks Obama was president in 2008

Hoo-boy, the Trump kids are doing their level best to embarrass themselves the past few days. Yesterday, a video of Ivanka Trump attempting to speak authoritatively about something other than handbags went viral. And now Eric Trump is tweeting nonsense. Care to go for the trifecta, Don Jr.? Or maybe Tiffany wants to get in a…