The Kraken Caucus in a GOP Congress joins the sedition parade of losers

The Kraken Caucus makes itself known. GOP sedition messaging harkens back to the 19th Century, except Trump's lost cause won't rise again. This time it’s not a Brooks Brothers Riot but pseudo-secessionist displays. “Trump can't handle the concept of the label 'loser'” as he pimps a 'seditious abuse of justice', and Jake Tapper brands another crowd of GOP…

For the Sake of the Rule of Law, We Must Indict Trump

I’ve been of two minds about whether it’s better for the country to put Trump on trial for his crimes, or to leave it to history to call him to account. I’m not going to rehash all the arguments for and against, but after watching today’s events and listening to TRMS tonight, I’ve come to…

Barr Reads the Writing on the Wall, May Flee the Scene

Barr Is Said to Be Weighing Whether to Leave Before Trump’s Term Ends Attorney General William P. Barr is considering stepping down before President Trump’s term ends next month, according to three people familiar with this thinking. One said Mr. Barr could announce his departure before the end of the year. It was not clear…

Republicans insist on Covid “liability protections.” What does that mean? (Hint: It's terrible)

Throughout all the recent legislative battles about economic and stimulus relief to combat Covid-19, Republicans have made one non-negotiable demand: protections for businesses against Covid liabilities and related lawsuits. Given this centrality, and it’s troubling implications, what does this actually mean? Regrettably, I see little to no explanation in public reporting (or from Democrats generally).  So,…

WaPo asks every GOP member of Congress which reality they inhabit

We know for sure that Mo Brooks lives in the Phantom Zone, or is it on Bizarro World. The Post is asking every Republican member of Congress the same three questions today. We will report back their answers. The questions are: — The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) December 3, 2020 Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) has been…

previewing Trump's Saturday Nuremberg Rally

A loser’s victory rally, what a message. In his Valdosta, Georgia speech on Saturday Trump will essentially repeat his 46 minute Facebook rant from Wednesday with a few local references and additional stupid ad libs. Save that hour for more productive activities that don’t involve super-spreading. They’re “not dumb in Georgia” but some there are willing to…

probable cause and a 'bribery for pardon' investigation involving the White House

There was a partial unsealing in the DC district court involving a bribery for pardon scheme several months ago. Lots of redaction in the document, and it’s unclear who was involved other than an attorney acting as an intermediary in a ‘pay-to-play’ scheme. One element was a lobbying scheme, and then there was the pay-to-play scheme.… x BREAKING: U.S….

GA-Sen A & B: President Obama Finally Gets His Revenge On Moscow Mitch

Received two e-mails from former President Barack Obama. The first one is in support of Jon Ossoff’s (D. GA) U.S. Senate campaign: Jon Ossoff (D. GA) & Raphael Warnock (D. GA) If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to deliver the change we need to get this pandemic under control, restart our economy, protect…

the Flynn Pardon and a “Rudy Special” today as Trump wants firing squad executions back

“Imputation of Guilt”, Flynn’s loss of a 5th Amendment exception could figure in the subsequent, yet unfulfilled prosecution of justice obstruction by the Mueller investigation.  Abuse of power continues, as his pardoning spree further hardens his de facto concession. Trump personally benefits from pardoning Flynn, so the pardon is an abuse of power. Abusing power is when you use…

Never mind COVID: Trump is focused on bringing back firing squads

Donald Trump has frequently referred to COVID-19 as an “invisible enemy” — which may be why he’s pretending he doesn’t see it. The coronavirus outbreak is worse than it’s ever been in this country, but as the lame duck à l'orange flops about for the next two months like an elderly manatee who just lost a…

Depraved and Different

Back in April, President Trump issued a hollow order that meatpacking plants remain open, with safety restrictions to be fashioned by the plants’ owners. Even though the Covid-19 virus was ravaging its employees, places like Tyson Foods threatened them with firings if they dared put their health above a slab of bacon. Yesterday in a story…

Can President Jim Crow pardon himself like a turkey

Trump could try to pardon himself, but it is more likely that he could resign and VP Pence could pardon him, much like the ceremony on Tuesday, live and domestic. As a WaPo op-ed also shows he may be able to even further obstruct justice before leaving office by manipulating the Department of Justice. Yet…

GA-Sen A & B: Joe Biden Is Coming Back To Georgia To Get His Senate Majority

I’m all in for this: President-elect Joe Biden will join the lineup of influential Democrats involved in Georgia's ongoing senatorial campaigns, according to his recently-named forthcoming chief of staff. Ron Klain—who will formally step into the role when become Biden assumes office in January—discussed the outcomes of Georgia's two runoff elections, and how they could…

The orange grifter won by a Lot, but did his wife turn into assault

Ann Coulter tells Texas crowd “a second term of Trump would have killed us”: “I'm glad he lost” “It's like he didn't know he was president..” He didn’t. These remain dangerous times, but they will get better. Looking back will always bring salty tears. x Robbie Kaplan, my attorney, is the woman who's going to make the post-presidency of @realDonaldTrump such…

POTUS* does a drive-by waving for the teeming thousand(s) because Joe Biden flipped 5 Trump states

Lemmings, with the Secret Service locked and loaded. Was this also a protest of DC gyms’ occupancy limits? x This loser parade must’ve left their self respect at home.— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) November 14, 2020 x MOMENTS AGO: Trump supporters rush to see the president's motorcade driving by. — The Hill (@thehill) November…

What is Going On?

Time after time, succeeding presidents have followed less than stellar Republican administrations feeling obligated to bestow forgiveness. Richard Nixon masterminded a crime, known to every police drama watcher as B&E, breaking and entering. Nixon was disgracefully relegated to the dustbin of history, but that dustbin was a mansion off the coast of California. Although Ronald…

GOP folly: “Branding Trump as anything but a loser”

Trump has always been a loser, but is reaching the end even as he’s trying to keep the grift going. Remember that he began campaigning for 2020 right after his inauguration. This is no different. He simply hasn’t reached the “sale by” date. The path to the bunker has 72 days of hard road ahead. GOP…

the Coup that couldn't shoot down Fifth Avenue

CNN is now framing a narrative that Biden’s victory is inevitable, with “gap-closing” in several states perhaps to be resolved by tomorrow because of trending in PA and GA. Trump did an unhinged “press conference” at 645pm ET that essentially repeated the main themes of grievance and paranoia that will guide his post-presidency grifting and lawfare. x x…

More Dicks vote GOP, as it claims it will outnumber Dems' election day votes

“Hostility to the opposition party and its candidates has now reached a level where loathing motivates voters more than loyalty.” It’s one thing for Trump supporters to block highways and bridges with little law enforcement response. It will be an altogether different matter if they congregate aggressively at polls. Law enforcement must be prepared to…

NC-Sen: Emerson Poll Has Cal Cunningham (D) Beating Thom Tillis (R) 46-43

Here’s the latest news today out or North Carolina courtesy of Emerson College’s latest poll: The final Emerson College poll before the November 3rd election finds North Carolina in a dead-heat, with former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump both at 47%. Six-percent (6%) of voters plan to vote for someone else and…