NOAA Admits It Was Wrong to Back Sharpiegate

Last September, as Hurricane Dorian was heading for Florida, Bunker Boy (as he has since come to be known) warned people in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama to brace themselves for the impact. @realDonaldTrump In addition to Florida – South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated. Looking…

Coronavirus and Hurricane Dorian

There are two stories out this weekend that have more in common than first meets the eye: Newly-Released NOAA Emails Show Anger and Confusion Around Trump’s ‘Doctored’ Hurricane Dorian Map As New Coronavirus Spread, China’s Old Habits Delayed Fight In both cases, the leaders of the country spread false information and/or suppressed information that could…

The “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done So Far” Omnibus (Week 138)

As part of the ongoing project to catalog every awful thing the Trump Administration has done as a reference for future political arguments and whatever few posterity survives to see 2020, here’s everything awful the Trump Administration has done this week. 1560. Continued to consider putting tariffs on French products 1561. Pushed to delay the release of…

Sharpies are not Funny…

On this day in 2001, 2,977 people were killed (with some still dying) by 19 terrorists in three separate attacks on the United States, including New York City, Washington, D.C. and near where I live in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. One of those attempts failed to hit its target, either the White House or the United States…

Trump warns of 'very bad people' fleeing from Bahamas to U.S.

Jesus Christ. It’s like we’re being governed by a guy who’s never left Hayward, Wisconsin. Today, Donald Trump said he’s wary of people who are traveling to the U.S. from the Bahamas in the wake of Hurricane Dorian. Gee, I wonder why that would be. The Hill: “I don’t want to allow people that weren’t…

NWS employee rep: NOAA statement backing Trump was 'utterly disgusting'

So you probably saw that Donald Trump has corrupted and politicized the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. And as I write that, I’m only just starting to grasp how bizarre and thoroughly depressing that is. What’s next? Will NASA tell us the sun revolves around the Earth because that’s where Trump is? Will the military announce…

The “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done So Far” Omnibus (Week 137)

As part of the ongoing project to catalog every awful thing the Trump Administration has done as a reference for future political arguments and whatever few posterity survives to see 2020, here’s everything awful the Trump Administration has done this week. 1549. Sought to deport children with life threatening illnesses 1550. Escalated the trade war by Implementing…

He is sick, sick, sick in the head

The very stable genius is still at it. STILL! x Just as I said, Alabama was originally projected to be hit. The Fake News denies it! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2019 Dude, even if you’re right — which you clearly aren’t — it DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER! Please, go drink a tub of…

Trump's new press secretary taunts CNN on Twitter; it doesn't go well

As the saying goes, to err is human, whereas to err; double-, triple-, and quadruple-down on the erring; and then take out a Sharpie to alter an official government weather map before denying you did so is oh-so-Trumpian. For some reason, Donald Trump’s new press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, thought it would be a good idea to tweak…

It's 2019, and the media is still downplaying climate change's role in catastrophic weather events

As the slow-motion meteorological nightmare known as Hurricane Dorian approaches Florida's coast with life-threatening rain totals and historic wind speeds that are likely to leave a path of brutal devastation in its path, the media has shifted into its well-rehearsed weather disaster mode. As correspondents and reporters scour the coastline in preparation, the news media's attention…

It's 2019, and the media is still downplaying climate change's role in catastrophic weather events

As the slow-motion meteorological nightmare known as Hurricane Dorian approaches Florida's coast with life-threatening rain totals and historic wind speeds that are likely to leave a path of brutal devastation in its path, the media has shifted into its well-rehearsed weather disaster mode. As correspondents and reporters scour the coastline in preparation, the news media's attention…

London mayor mocks Trump for 'dealing with a hurricane out on the golf course'

Donald Trump canceled his weekend trip to Poland in order to “monitor” Hurricane Dorian. Yesterday, Trump proved he listens intently to his weather briefings, claiming he’d never heard of a Category 5 hurricane before (four such storms have occurred while he’s played president). But despite the urgency, Trump managed to get in several rounds of golf…

Videos trickle out of the northern Bahamas; Donation links.

My local news channel just reported that a church filled with people riding out the storm together has had storm surge up to the rafters. No word on casualties. Rumors abound that many people on Abaco are believed to have been swept out to sea. x Hurricane Dorian, one of the strongest Atlantic storms ever…

Trump claims he's never heard of a Category 5 hurricane before

Four Category 5 hurricanes have hit U.S. shores since Trump became pr*sident. He has the greatest memory ever, so I guess he wasn’t listening to his weather briefings. CNN: “We don't even know what's coming at us. All we know is it's possibly the biggest. I have — I'm not sure that I've ever even heard…