Poor folk still paying the costs of Mich Emergency Mgrs. One sold off the school playground equip.

Crossposted from Eclectablog.com. In April of 2012, control over Muskegon Heights schools was handed over to an un-elected Emergency Manager, appointed by Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder. By July, Emergency Manager Donald Weatherspoon had signed a contract to turn the entire public school system over to the for-profit charter school operator Mosaica. Two years later the…

Lies, damn lies, and fake news

In his 2007 book The Assault on Reason, former Vice President Al Gore warned about what he saw as a dire threat to American democracy. “The 'well-informed citizenry,’” Gore fretted, ”is in danger of becoming the 'well-amused audience.'” In a presentation on Super Tuesday 2008 (“That’s Entertainment: Politics as Theater in Campaign ‘08”), I elaborated on Gore’s…