Trump says Patriots coach Bill Belichick would be 'as good as any general' at devising battle plans

I seriously can’t keep up with the crazy sometimes. Just as I’m done reeling from the latest Trump grotesquerie, another comes along. And another. It’s as if my dentist has gone from administering a little bit of nitrous to help me through a difficult teeth cleaning to sawing open my skull and spackling the folds of…

Remember when idiot Trump thought Iran's Soleimani was head of the Kurds?

I’ve seen a few headlines and analyses this morning asserting that Trump has “gambled” in his decision to assassinate Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani. This is almost certainly incorrect, for this reason: “Gambling,” while inherently reckless, still involves some sort of understanding of the rules of the game, the stakes, and the likely outcomes. A blackjack player…