When You Have Lost Mr. Bothsiderist Chuck Todd…

It is bad when Mr. Bothsiderist Chuck Todd is spilling the beans on what Trump and Republicans are up to with the government shutdown and tonight’s Trump broadcast.  No transcript on this, but Todd brought this up on his show and All In With Chris Hayes: Trump has no serious plan to reopen the government.  Todd…

Bookmakers taking bets on how many times Trump will lie tonight

The over/under is 3.5, which seems really, really low. Seems you could bankrupt a casino betting on Trump’s lack of candor. Then again, who’d ever be dumb enough to bankrupt a casino? From The New York Daily News: BookMaker, an offshore gambling house that claims 30 years in the business, is laying odds on how many…

Want to know who's trying to end the shutdown? Look at who's negotiating.

Here’s how it ultimately breaks down, in pure and simple human terms. This Friday morning, over 800,000 federal employees will wake up, hit the “brew” button, and log into their bank accounts, which will show exactly the same amount of money that they did when the employees went to bed on Thursday night. There’s what…

TV Networks Set To Kiss Trump's A** Tomorrow Night.

Nothing like continuing to give Trump all the air time he wants.   (CNN)The major television networks will provide wall-to-wall coverage of President Donald Trump's prime time address on border security on Tuesday. NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox broadcast network all said on Monday that they had agreed to the White House's request for air time….

Trump's “out” for the government shutdown HE created.

Shit just got real   Anonymous Look, we all know that things are not always what they appear to be. Five short years ago, many of you here thought that I was capable of stringing two coherent sentences together. Wrong-o. Three short years ago, everybody on the planet knew that the Cubs could never win another World Series. *BUZZ!* Try…

Trump escalates the GOP war on government workers

As the New Year begins, imagine that this is how your 2018 ended: You work at a company where the CEO and the management team are notoriously corrupt. They began the year by taking on $150 million in new debt for the purpose of rewarding themselves and their shareholders with a massive stock buyback. But as the…

Fox's Chris Wallace slams Sarah Sanders over phony 'terrorists-at-border' claim

We know it’s a lie, and the White House knows it’s a lie (whether or not the squatter-in-chief actually does), and even Fox News likely knows it’s a lie, but that typically doesn’t matter. Usually the lies skate by unchallenged. Well, not this morning. Today on Fox News Sunday, Fox’s designated simulacrum of a reporter, Chris Wallace,…

So exactly which ex-presidents told Trump they should have built the wall?

Trump doesn’t just lie. He makes up entire conversations that never happened. And he does it all the time. The latest? He claimed today during his press conference/harrowing public mental breakdown that “some” former presidents have told him they should have done what he’s currently doing — i.e., shutting down the government over $5 billion in…

I Hope That Democratic Congressman John Yarmuth Keeps This Up.

Democratic Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3rd) has some pointed criticism for AWOL Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Trump’ s government shutdown: Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the Senate will not take up a bill to end the shutdown until Congress is sure the bill is something President Donald Trump will sign. House Budget Committee Chairman-elect…

The “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done So Far” Omnibus (Week 102)

As part of the ongoing project to catalog every awful thing the Trump Administration has done as a reference for future political arguments and whatever few posterity survives to see 2020, here’s everything awful the Trump Administration has done this week. ____________________________________________________________________________ 1179. Moved to block deal that would allow Cuban baseball players to play in the…

A 'very high number' of workers at Trump's golf club were undocumented

While there’s actually been a net outflow of undocumented workers from the U.S. to Mexico over the past several years, they’re still pouring over the border of Donald Trump’s New Jersey golf club, apparently. Several media outlets recently reported that the FBI is looking into possible immigration crimes at Trump’s Bedminster, New Jersey, club, and…

It's Not Like I Do Not Trust You Senator Graham…

But no one in their right mind trusts Donald Trump to negotiate in good faith or keep an agreement.  Trump whisperer Senator Lindsey Graham is telling the world that Trump and the Republicans are willing to negotiate on wall funding. Graham says Republicans are going to put on the negotiating table ideas that Democrats have…

Amid shutdown, government helps fund Trump's private New Year's party

It’s not much money in the grand scheme of things, but it’s definitely more than most federal workers could make from loofah-ing dead skin off the buttocks of their landlords. (Or painting or doing carpentry work or whatever, but who are we kidding? Landlords want their buttocks loofah-ed. Or am I overgeneralizing from my own…

Non-furloughed workers can’t take vacation during a shutdown—unless their names are Jared or Ivanka

Putting aside Donald Trump’s ridiculously authoritarian decision to put his freaking kids in top White House positions, the fact remains that they are federal employees. When Ivanka Trump was made “Special Counsel” and husband Jared Kushner was put in charge of everything, they filed official paperwork (including Form 278) which legally binds them to ethics rules. Upon taking…

Can They Approve Judges During a Government Shutdown?

I can’t find any information on this topic yet, but I was wondering if the U.S. Senate can approve Trump’s judicial nominees while there is a partial government shutdown?  The only verification of this potential hiccup for Mitch McConnell was the fear expressed by Fox if there was a government shutdown during the process to…

The “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done So Far” Omnibus (Week 101)

As part of the ongoing project to catalog every awful thing the Trump Administration has done as a reference for future political arguments and whatever few posterity survives to see 2020, here’s everything awful the Trump Administration has done this week. ____________________________________________________________________________ 1169. Shutdown the government for the third time in a year 1170. Threatened to cut aid to…

Shutdown Shmutdown! Lowlights From This Trump Shutdown.

If you are a Republican president, you know you have shit on yourself when TigerBeat On the Potomac has this for a headline: 'Hunker down like a jackass': Shutdown could drag on for weeks The president spends Christmas Eve 'all alone in the White House,' complaining about Democrats with no end to the closure in…