The Subtle Speaker Strikes Again

Speaker Nancy Pelosi chooses her words very carefully. It may not have gotten much attention in all the shouting today, but when she said she might hold up sending the Articles to the Senate, she did NOT make that contingent on there being a fair trial. Roll Call reports on her statement last night: The…

Republicans peddle grotesque abortion-slavery comparison

In the great and proud history of the United States, no failing, no appalling ideology, no perverse institution—no national tragedy—compares to the American sin of chattel slavery. Codified in the nation’s founding documents in a grotesque mockery of the Declaration’s self-evident truth that “all men are created equal,” the 250-year bondage of black Americans was…

Abortion rights and free speech wrongs

The United States Supreme Court this week announced it would soon hear a major case that could redefine the legal landscape at the critical juncture where abortion rights meet free speech. In National Institute of Life and Family Advocates v. Becerra, the plaintiffs are challenging a California statute regulating so-called “crisis pregnancy centers.” After concluding…

Trump administration unveils the 'Fetal 14th Amendment'

Campaign Action While most eyes this week were on the carnage in Las Vegas, the catastrophe in Puerto Rico, or the dangerous provocations towards Pyongyang and Tehran, the Trump administration was hard at work deconstructing the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. While that bulwark of American civil rights promises “due process of law” and…