DSA organizer on #FightForOurLives, Porter slams McConnell, Anand Girirharadas on Dems muscularity

.@RepKatiePorter exposes an evil @SenateMajLdr. @HoustonDSA Organizer @MadsPelzel discusses the #FightForOurLives event. @AnandWrites questions Democrats’ muscularity. Houston DSA Organizer Madeleine Pelzel announces #FightForOurLives x x YouTube Video Politics Done Right Live weekdays @ 3:00 PM Central Video Zoom: LINK — Live Calls: (346)248-7799 ID:254 0 9091 Topics: Rachel Maddow exposes Trump’s theft of his gullible supporters….

Chad Wolf listens to Nickelback – because graffiti in Portland is federal terrorism

What good trouble looks like: x Federal police strike protester with baton, use pepper spray and tear gas outside courthouse in Portland pic.twitter.com/VX2xTVaaYq — Zane Sparling (@PDXzane) July 19, 2020 x “They just started wailing on me”: @dani__zoellner spoke to the veteran who was brutally beaten by federal officers in Portland. The video is remarkable….

“What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” socialist conference 2020

< p class=”AlignCenter”>You may not be interested in the State, but the State is interested in you. Socialism is on the rise in America, specifically Democratic socialism. 43% of Americans now say that some form of socialism is good for the country, compared to just 25% in 1942. President Donald Trump has already started to capitalize on the ideological…

Politico wedgies the left: “don't tase us, bro'”

The usual overgeneralizations apply as Politico tries to separate liberals from whatever adherents to the left of that position are calling themselves. They’ve chosen Jacobin as this week’s strawman to separate Sanders Democrats from Warren Democrats. As the 2020 campaign has unfolded, Warren has, if anything, tacked toward Bernie, embracing “Medicare for All” and free college,…

Don’t Get Fooled On Healthcare

By Mike Hersh for Dr. Bill, Donna, Alan, Mike F., Janis, Deb, Dan, Kim, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Medicare for All Team Don’t Let Corporatists Fool Congress With Imitations Tell Your Rep to Cosponsor the Medicare For All Act! Today is April Fool’s Day, but Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is not fooled by…

It’s Medicare For All Monday

Rashida Tlaib, Michael Lighty, and Dr. Bill Three Great Medicare For All Champions! By  Mike Hersh for Alan, Dr. Bill, Mike F., Deb, Janis, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, Donna, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team   Pitch In Now For Medicare For All Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has been working for Medicare For All since our founding…

Making “House Calls” For Medicare For All

Dr. Bill Working for Medicare For All Candidate Katie Porter By  Mike Hersh for Alan, Dr. Bill, Mike F., Deb, Janis, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, Donna, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team Pitch In Now To Keep Dr. Bill On The Road Progressive Democrats of America (PDA’s) staffer Dr. Bill Honigman co-coordinates our California chapter, and is often…