I never do wrong…only right. Only the dumb believe otherwise. ( Basically his last tweet)

I feel like am on the edge of reality with this administration.   Now he is calling all of us dumb if we believe he did something baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.  Here we go with the Fake news.   Here we go soon enough with the gaslighting and Fox talking points.  Here we go with more stonewalling as he sued…

‘Leading from Behind’

The late columnist and tv personality Charles Krauthammer railed against the Obama administration’s, ‘The Obama Doctrine: leading from behind’ in a column written in 2011 based on an interview of Obama staffers conducted by Ryan Lizza.  Krauthammer’s piece was one of many political hit pieces that ignored nuance and sought ways to make Obama look…

Trump uses racist mock-Asian accent at posh fundraiser

Pardon me for quoting from the right-wing, Murdoch-owned New York Post, but the juxtaposition of these two paragraphs is just perfect in its perversity. The setting — a recent big-money Hamptons fundraiser. I guess Trump assumed he was among his “own people.” Trump kept returning to hit back at the “fake news” media attacks on him,…

Media 'optics' police hounded Obama and Clinton for years, now give Trump a pass

What a difference a new administration makes. After spending years as self-appointed patrollers of so-called political optics, relentlessly ticketing Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for supposedly major and minor infractions, the D.C. press has dropped that pursuit under Donald Trump. No longer obsessing over how things look or bemoaning a lack of proper theatrics, Beltway…

Did You Watch The Debates?

In Solidarity,  Mike Hersh for Alan Minsky, Mike Fox, Kimberly and Bryan Buchan, Dr. Bill Honigman, Dan O’Neal, Janis Kay, Shayna Stevens, and Deb Schrishuhn—Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team Bernie Made Us Proud Again!   When we say “Bernie made us proud again!” we mean it. Consistency is important for a candidate and…

Third Strike in the Middle East?

The Washington Post had an op-ed this morning — Our new Saddam Hussein — that got me to thinking about our insistence on repeating the same mistake in the Middle East, a region notoriously unforgiving of mistakes. In brief: We backed Shah Reza Pahlevi in Iran, he was a ruthless dictator, and he was overthrown…

Republicans routinely ignore GOP Hatch Act violations

Writers, bloggers, commenters, and pundits nearly exhausted the dictionary in the runup to the president’s July 4th Trumpapalooza™. With his tanks, parades, flyovers, and personal address, Donald Trump’s appropriation of America’s Independence Day rightly earned descriptions ranging from inappropriate, disgusting, and self-serving to grotesque, Orwellian, and masturbatory. But word that the Republican National Committee was…

How DC Residents Should Respond to Trump's Parade for Himself

I am honored to say that I am a veteran and was part of the finest fighting force in all of human history. We knew it, the world knew it, and we have always projected our strength through peaceful missions as opposed to oppression and empire-building.  I would always look with disgust at dictators who…

The Simple Mind of Donald Trump

There are times that in order to explain an ideology a definition is needed; case in point, Western Liberalism or Democracy-characterized by elections between multiple distinct political parties, a separation of powers into different branches of government, the rule of law in everyday life as part of an open society, a market economy with private…

Tucker Carlson thinks we're getting way too worked up about North Korea's atrocities

Guess I’m just a softheaded liberal who thinks you shouldn’t enslave and starve your people, imprison and kill your political foes, and run your country like a death cult. Silly me. On Fox News this morning, Tucker Carlson, the Joseph Goebbels of bow-tied silver-spoon twerps, said we’re getting far too exercised about the whole Trump-loves-murderous-dictators…

Klobuchar says McCain recited names of dictators during Trump's inauguration

I never watched Donald Trump’s inauguration. Couldn’t do it. I think I spent the day flossing my perineum with concertina wire, because that seemed far, far less demoralizing. But Minnesota senator and presidential hopeful Amy Klobuchar was there, and during a campaign event in Des Moines, Iowa, on Saturday, she recounted the late Sen. John…

Joe Biden Planted His Flag Today,

Well, that was interesting. I get such a kick out of politicians these days, officially announcing their candidacy for something, making a bunch of speeches, and rally appearances, and then officially ”kicking off” their campaign a month later somewhere. It reminds me of high school, when the “homecoming” game was like the third home game of the season. If…

Fox mentioned AOC 3,181 times in 42 days

Okay, okay. I’ve mentioned Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at least that many times in the past six weeks, but to be fair, her name is also my mantra. And not just because I hope to conjure her so we can spend a few chill Friday nights eating vegan fudge and playing Mario Kart until the evening devolves…

Bad Trump! No Big Mac for You!

Solidarity,  Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F, Mike H, Janis, Dan, Shayna, Dr Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team Help PDA Reverse Trumpism As the reality TV sideshow of the Trump administration blares through every public space, its minions are busily dismantling and destroying our democracy and national values. Resistance is necessary, but not…

The Congressional oversight hearings. Where have I heard this before?

This world has seen its share of dictators, and they all tend to share common characteristics. Hard, steely eyed autocrats, Men of iron will, with fists to match. Men like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Amin, and Ceausescu come to mind. But when the have-nots, never-wills, and shitless-wonders of the United States decide to vote themselves a…

Report: Trump promoted nuke power sales to Saudis over strong objections

See, this is what happens when a pr*sident is more worried about his own pocketbook than the safety and security of the country. We don’t need a border wall. We need to throw Donald Trump in a closet and leave him there until 2021. From The Washington Post: Several current and former Trump administration appointees promoted…

Trump hints at another security clearance revocation over CNN guest's 'mental condition'

So Donald Trump tweeted this: x Just watched former Intelligence Official Phillip Mudd become totally unglued and weird while debating wonderful @PARISDENNARD over Brennan’s Security Clearance. Dennard destroyed him but Mudd is in no mental condition to have such a Clearance. Should be REVOKED? @seanhannity — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 21, 2018 In other…

Why, As A Liberal, I Hate Paying Taxes.

Who likes paying taxes? I write as committed liberal social democrat and Obama supporter. I care about humanity, and I have devoted my writing and volunteering life to advocating on behalf of the poor, the disenfranchised, the marginalized and all peripheral peoples—wherever I find them. But who likes paying into a ponzi scheme—which is what…