'Five-alarm fire' for Trump in suburbs

As Donald Trump’s approval rating has continued to stagnate, and people far and wide have come to see him more and more as just a flailing mass of gelatinous orange goo, #PABOTUS has attempted to rouse his base by going full DEF CON RACIST. Maybe his strategy is working in the remote redoubts of Trumpenland, but…

NC-09: PCCC Helps Dan McCready (D) Get Ready To Beat Trump's GOPer On Tuesday, September 10th

Received this e-mail today from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee in support of Dan McCready’s (D. NC-09) campaign: Remember Rachel Maddow reporting on that North Carolina Republican Congressman who cheated in 2018 — and the courts ordered a do-over election? It's this Tuesday! National Republicans “reported another $500,000 in North Carolina's 9th Congressional District, where…

NC-09: VoteVets Helps Dan McCready (D) Cross The Finish Line In Defeating Trump's GOPer

Received this e-mail from VoteVets in support of Dan McCready’s (D. NC-09) campaign: Republicans have already committed $4 million in outside spending to take on progressive Marine veteran Dan McCready in the quickly-approaching NC-9 special election. In 2018 they tried to steal the election from Dan. In 2019, they’re trying to buy it. So Dan needs our help to fight back. Because he…

NC-09: New Poll Has A Tied Race Between Dan McCready (D) & GOP Bathroom Bill Author

Here’s the latest news out of North Carolina: Democrat Dan McCready and North Carolina Republican state Sen. Dan Bishop are neck and neck in their race to represent the state’s contested 9th congressional district, according to an internal poll from McCready’s campaign obtained first by The Hill on Monday. The survey, conducted by the Democratic firm ALG Research, shows…