Office of Special Counsel says Kellyanne Conway should be removed over violations of Hatch Act

Yes, yes, yes — please take Barbie Riefenstahl away and exile her to the Island of Misfit Toys. The Hill: The Office of Special Counsel on Thursday urged President Trump to remove Kellyanne Conway as White House counselor over repeated violations of the Hatch Act, which bars federal employees from engaging in elections in their official capacity. “The U.S. Office…

The real problem with the USS McCain nonsense.

It has become a defining feature, perhaps the defining feature of the m(or)onarchy of King Schitwitz the First. And the longer we live under the thumb of Fumbles the Clown, the more pronounced it gets. I’m talking about the phenomena of “Hey, remember when this shit was funny?” They came out of the blocks quickly. On the…

How cute! All of those Trump eggs are starting to “Hatch”!

Now, this really warms the cockles of my heart. According to new reporting in The Hill, The Pampers President isn’t the only one having trouble keeping his mind on the task at hand. It seems like a lot of his subordinates and lackeys are having problems on keeping their own personal and political opinions to themselves at work too. According…

Blind with rage over Biden, Trump retweets an account titled 'F*ck Donald Trump'

Yes, he’s very, very stable. And a genius to boot! How can you haters ever deny his stable geniusness and/or geniosity?  Donald Trump woke up angry today about the International Association of Fire Fighters’ decision to endorse Joe Biden. And then this happened: x So whoever tweeted this tricked the Stable-Genius-in-Chief into retweeting it. —…

Schiff doubles down: 'Ample evidence of collusion in plain sight'

Adam Schiff is not backing down … because why should he? Republicans are sticking to their talking points (I have a feeling if Trump drowned a puppy in 2 inches of water the entire GOP would harmonize about how it was self-defense), and Schiff is sticking to his guns as well. This morning on ABC’s This…

Anonymous Republican: 'A normal person would have been indicted for this'

I assume by “normal person” he means “not the president” — not “a tool-using hominid who’s not totally fucking insane.” But the sentiment still holds. The indispensable Gabriel Sherman at Vanity Fair has an insider’s look at the mood inside the White House in the wake of the redacted Mueller report’s release, and it ain’t…

Breaking! Kellyanne Conway tweets something monumentally dishonest and stupid!

Earlier today, failed standup comedian and even-more-failed human being Kellyanne Conway tweeted this: x BREAKING NEWS! FINALLY!WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL INDICTED in connection with MUELLER investigation! — Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) April 11, 2019 Kellyanne Conway, meet Michael Flynn. Also, Gregory Craig, the former White House counsel in question, last worked for Obama in 2010. He…

Kellyanne Conway Calls GOP House Members Liars. Gee, When Did You Get a Clue?

Kellyanne used her turn or Fox and Friends this morning to call drumpf’s allies in The House a bunch of mean ole stinky liars…  Well, almost. Washington Post White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday sharply criticized House Republicans for failing to deliver sufficient border wall funding to President Trump when they controlled the chamber…

Kellyanne Conway takes early lead for dumbest attack on Cory Booker

I don’t really have a horse in this race yet. I’m leaning Team Kamala, but it’s so early I’m naturally curious to see what other candidates have to offer. Cory Booker looks like a strong candidate (and not just because he’s a vegan, like me). But Kellyanne Conway wonders why he’s running at all, given the number…

Kellyanne's husband torches Trump on Twitter. Again

Oil and gas prices are low right now for a lot of reasons. And it’s not necessarily a good sign for our country’s or the world’s economy. Nor is it likely sustainable. Anyway, it’s a complex market, and if Donald Trump wants to take credit for low oil prices now, then … oh, who are we…

Repost. 2016's 'Twas The Right Before Christmas

Ursulafaw requested a repost of this Christmas classic from 2016.  Hope you enjoy! 'Twas the Right before Christmas   Twas the right before Christmas, when all through the states, – 'Thug legislatures were ginning up hate. – In Charlotte they dimmed the new Democrat's lights, – And Columbus nixed women's health care rights. – 'Thug…

A dishonorable discharge for Commander in Chief Trump

On June 4, 2014, Donald Trump as usual was apoplectic. His fury that day was ignited by word that President Obama had authorized the exchange of five Taliban prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl, the Army sergeant held captive in Afghanistan since 2009. So Trump took to Twitter to ask, “Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross…

Are some of the 65 women Kavanaugh didn't try to rape backing off their support?

Somehow, Republicans managed to produce a letter supporting Brett Kavanaugh almost instantly after attempted rape allegations against the Supreme Court nominee surfaced. Gee, it’s almost as if they’d heard this accusation before … and anticipated the reaction. Anyway, the letter proved that there are at least 65 women on the planet whom Kavanaugh didn’t try to rape…

Kellyanne Conway's husband slams Trump over petty Obama criticism

George Conway is not a fan of his wife’s boss. While Kellyanne Conway spends her life trying to sculpt Brobdingnagian piles of monkey shit into Michelangelo’s David, her husband is doing his best to undo her handiwork. The latest: He’s taken Trump to task for criticizing President Obama over a random slip of the tongue from 10…

On this day in Trumptopia. August 19th, 2016 & 2017. (With a video)

Here we are again. Let’s hop on into the not-so-wayback machine, and take a quick look at the political stories and events we were obsessing over, and parsing importance as we went about our daily lives on that day. August 19th, 2016 In the throes of a massive campaign shakeup, including replacing Paul Manafort with…

On This Day In Trumptopia. August 18th, 2016 & 2017.

Welcome to what I hope will become a daily feature. This carnival we call the Trump Presidency is like an out of control merry-go-round, shit being thrown off in every direction at 100 mph. By the time the 6:00 news rolls around, you've completely forgotten the “breaking news” of 8:39 am. And it seems that…

Pay-to-play in the press: A case study

If Donald Trump was a Marvel character, his name might be something like “DeceptiCon.” That is, the never-before-seen frequency and magnitude of Trump’s lies combine to create a Cloak of Confusion, a black hole-like force from which the truth seemingly cannot escape. Defying the laws of physics and logic, he was after all a Schrödinger’s…

WWTP: What will Trump pay under the GOP tax bill?

Donald Trump lost the 2016 presidential popular vote to Hillary Clinton by almost 3 million ballots. But by another seemingly meaningless measure, Trump got clobbered 38 to 0. That lopsided score represents the number of years of tax returns Democrat Clinton and Republican Trump respectively released to the American public. But Trump’s unprecedented opacity—for the past 40…