Still Need To See Final NV Caucus Results, But Certain Things Appear To Be Given…

I want to congratulate Bernie Sanders on his victory in the Nevada Caucus.  It is going to take some time for us to see the final tally and the data.  And I have been watching some of the coverage on MSNBC.  This is my initial read from what I can see of Sanders’ victory: Biden…

Hey MSNBC! McConnell, McConnell, McConnell Could Reopen the Government Tomorrow!

Hallie Jackson, Andrea Mitchell, Katy Tur, and Tweety Bird Matthews  were all singing from the same hymnal today about the government shutdown:  “Give in you heartless Democrats!”   Anyway, MSNBC is pushing the narrative that if this government shutdown goes on much longer that Democrats should cave and spare the government workers. Reminder to MSNBC:  Trump “owns” this…