Paul Ryan, you are Lame

‘Don’t cheat on your wife. Don’t cheat on anything. Be a good person. Set a good example.’-Paul Ryan. The preceding quote was a reported candid criticism from the book, American Carnage: On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump by Tim Alberta. My response to Mr. Ryan is,…

The “Everything Terrible Trump Has Done So Far” Omnibus (Week 129)

As part of the ongoing project to catalog every awful thing the Trump Administration has done as a reference for future political arguments and whatever few posterity survives to see 2020, here’s everything awful the Trump Administration has done this week. ____________________________________________________________________________ 1471. Continued to push for citizenship question on the census 1472. A judge ruled…

Alex Acosta's job is safe…Tick-tock-tick-tock

I wrote in an article yesterday about his pathetic one man dog-and-pony show that I had gone on an Official Acosta Resignation (or Termination) Watch. Nothing in the resulting fallout has made me change my mind, but I’ve fine tuned it a little bit. If there’s one thing that a broken down reality show retread like…

We need to get rid of Cyrus Vance Jr.

I don’t care that he is a Democrat. Being District Attorney of New York County (what the island of Manhattan is called as a county —  as a borough of NYC it is Manhattan) is to hold a safely Democratic seat. I don’t care that this DA had a distinguished father. All I need to…