The Best Way to Hobble Trump Is to Freeze His Assets

With 14 days left for Trump to cause havoc, chaos, and riots, there are thoughts of quick impeachment or removal of Trump by the 25th Amendment. However, both of these will be seen by his followers as coups by the establishment leading to more riots and insurrection. Impeachment is too prolonged to be practical and…

Trump appears to admit he thinks he's on the train to loserville

In a flailing attempt (what does he ever do that isn’t flailing?) to somehow pretend the current 25th Amendment buzz isn’t all about him, Donald Trump appeared to step in a big pile of “shit, this isn’t going well, is it?” this morning. FiveThirtyEight currently gives Joe Biden an 85 percent chance of winning the…

Trump Tells Barr: “Arrest Somebody!”

That image is not a joke. Lisa Matassa, a country singer and big Trump fan, sent out this tweet and Trump retweeted it. You have to scroll a bit down on his twitter feed to see it, but I nerved myself up and did so. Mediaite has this and a bunch of other tweets from…