Cartel members testifying in El Chapo trial say exactly zero drugs come through open border areas

This is beyond obvious, but …


Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.
The testimony comes at a time when President Donald Trump's push for a border wall includes arguments that it would help stop the flow of drugs into the United States.

So all that rhetoric about stopping drug trafficking cold … by building a wall … with big gaps in it  … over only part of our border … is … just nonsense?

You mean it is just as every expert said it was? 

And Donald Trump is not an expert in the thing he’s so sure about that he decided he simply had to fuck over 800,000 hardworking Americans for God knows how long?

So all this administration had to do was interview one actual drug trafficker and we would have avoided this entire ordeal?

And they didn’t do it?

Shocked …

Simply shocked.


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