CA-25: There's A Big Special Election Next Month & Trump Just Gave This GOPer The Kiss Of Death

With friends like these:

President Donald Trump Monday night tweeted his endorsement of Mike Garcia, the Republican candidate in the special election to fill the congressional seat formerly held by Katie Hill, praising him for being “Strong on Crime, the Border, and Second Amendment.”

Trump tweeted that Garcia “will be a tremendous fighter for the U.S. and the State of California.”

“An Annapolis graduate, he served our Country as a highly decorated Navy Fighter Pilot and will be a great Congressman (#CA25),” Trump tweeted. “Loves our Military, and Vets…”

Trump also tweeted, “Turn your Ballots in now and track them, watching for dishonesty. Report to Law Enforcement.”

And of course Christy Smith (D. CA-25) is bashing Garcia over this. Received this e-mail from Smith’s campaign:


Late last night, Donald Trump tweeted his resounding endorsement of our opponent, Mike Garcia.
We aren't surprised — Garcia has sung Trump's praises constantly, and Trump loves few things more than flattery.

But what Trump's tweet does is signal to Republican donors that Garcia is business as usual. He's a carbon copy of Trump's voting record, which makes this election a referendum on how the country thinks Trump is doing during this crisis.

And his tweet puts all eyes on us and this election — especially because Trump asked his followers to donate directly to Garcia's campaign.

We need you to step up right now if you are able to and help fight back against Garcia and Trump's fundraising machine. Can you pitch in today?

We need you now more than ever — and we appreciate whatever you can do to help. I know times are tough right now. Thank you.

— Brandon

Brandon Zavala
Campaign Manager

Click here to donate to Smith’s campaign.

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