CA-25: Hillary Clinton Endorses Christy Smith (D) In The Big Special Election On May 12th

In case you missed this:


Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton endorsed California State Assemblywoman Christy Smith (D) in the upcoming election to fill former Rep. Katie Hill's (D-Calif.) House seat.

“There’s a key special election coming up in California on May 12, and I’m happy to support [Christy Smith],” Clinton tweeted on Friday. “Christy has been an effective public servant from the school board to the CA Assembly, and we need her in Congress. Help her protect this seat!”

Smith will face off against Republican Mike Garcia, a former Navy fighter pilot, in a race that will be held entirely through vote-by-mail amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Clinton won this district in 2016 and her endorsement couldn’t come at better time:

It came a day after Trump offered up a second tweet endorsement in a matter of two weeks for Garcia — while slamming Smith. A day earlier, Smith had apologized for a comment made during a recent interview about Garcia that critics say trivialized his military experience.

Vote @MikeGarcia2020 by May 12th! His opponent @ChristyforCA25 voted to fire teachers, and cut their salaries while bumping up her pay. Now she’s mocking our Great Vets! We need Navy Fighter Pilot Mike Garcia in #CA25!” he said in the tweet.

Trump’s tweet was in response to a moment Saturday during a livestream video spot for the organization Indivisible, which advocates for progressive policies.

Let’s not allow another Trump ally in Congress. Click here to donate and get involved with Smith’s campaign.

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