Bill “Opus Dei” Barr says “Violence Seems Planned by Leftists Using ‘Antifa-Like Tactics‘”..uh, nope

“In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized and driven by anarchic and left extremist groups — far left extremist groups — using Antifa-like tactics.”

Nope, there are many opportunists taking the weekend to do some violence, for its own sake, because street violence creates other possibilities, to settle scores, to “get away with stuff”. Similarly for abuse “under color of law”.

President Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to rally at the White House, inviting a potentially dangerous mix of protesters after people angry about the death of an unarmed black man in Minnesota police custody skirmished with the Secret Service on Friday.

He threatened “the unlimited power” of the U.S. military to clamp down on demonstrations, tweeting from Air Force One as he traveled to Cape Canaveral, Florida, for the launch of a SpaceX spacecraft. The military is “ready, willing and able” to assist, Trump said earlier.

In a series of tweets early on Saturday, Trump also seemed to revel in the potential for violence outside the White House, warning that Friday’s protesters would have been met by “the most vicious dogs” and “most ominous weapons” had they dared to breach the fence around the property.

He depicted Secret Services agents as eager to battle the demonstrators, and later issued an appeal to his supporters to assemble: “Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???”…

Minnesota governor mobilises National Guard and suggests protests are being manipulated by ‘domestic terrorists’ from r/politics

Bill Barr slammed by ex-FBI official for ignoring the right-wing ‘Boogaloo Bois’ infiltrating protests –…



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