AZ-Sen: Former Senator Barbara Boxer (D. CA) Helps Mark Kelly (D) Flip The U.S. Senate Blue

Received this e-mail today from my former U.S. Senator from my current state, Barbara Boxer (D. CA), in support of Mark Kelly’s (D. AZ) U.S. Senate campaign:

Big news,

One of the country's most important U.S. Senate campaigns is trending in OUR direction.


Taking back the Senate hinges on winning this campaign in Arizona, and a recent poll shows Democrat Mark Kelly leading his Republican opponent.

Republican Martha McSally already lost one Senate race, and we can beat her again.

And Captain Mark Kelly – a retired U.S. Navy combat pilot, engineer, NASA astronaut, and husband to former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords – is the person to do just that.

But we need to get started now to show Captain Kelly we’ve got his back.

Make a contribution today and let's take back control of the Senate in 2020.


Barbara Boxer

Click here to donate to Kelly’s campaign.

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