AK-Sen: Dr. Al Gross (I) Wants All Americans To Have Access To An Eventual COVID-19 Vaccine


Received this e-mail today from Dr. Al Gross’ (I. AK) U.S. Senate campaign:

Even though our country is beginning to reopen and adjust to a “new normal,” the coronavirus pandemic is very much alive — and COVID-19 is still spreading.

We know that a vaccine is necessary to ultimately slow and stop the spread of this virus and save lives.

Right now, companies like Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Pfizer are all working to develop vaccines — and public health officials anticipate that we could see one roll out as early as 2021.

Like these experts, Dr. Al Gross is hopeful about the success of these vaccines — and trusts scientists to create a treatment that is safe and effective — but he also knows that they will be ultimately ineffective if they're not available to all.

Creating a vaccine is only half the battle. Making sure that every single American, regardless of their income status, can access this life-saving vaccine needs to be a top priority. If you agree, add your name to our petition right now and demand the government make the vaccine available for all to receive.

In his decades in the medical field, Dr. Al Gross has seen too many families face an impossible decision: their lives versus their livelihoods. Right now, he's fighting to make sure no family has to make this choice once a coronavirus vaccine is available.

Your health and your family's health shouldn't be dictated by your bank account. And access to life-saving medical treatment should not be limited to those who can afford to pay astronomical prices.
The coronavirus vaccine will only solve this crisis if it's available, and accessible, to every single American.

Join Dr. Al Gross in calling on Congress to make sure the COVID-19 vaccine is available for everyone. Sign the petition right now and call on our leaders to take action.

Thank you,


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